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27 Properties for Sale, Apartments - Apartment 2 Bedrooms most recent, Under construction, in Distrito do Porto, Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, with Garden

27 Properties for Sale, Apartments - Apartment 2 Bedrooms most recent, Under construction, in Distrito do Porto, Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, with Garden
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
297.500 €
Descubra o seu novo lar no REAL SERENITY - o mais recente empreendimento a nascer na cidade de Gondomar.

Localização Privilegiada:
Situados a apenas 3 minutos do centro da cidade, os apartamentos T1, T2 e T3 no REAL SERENITY oferecem a harmonia perfeita entre a serenidade de uma zona calma e a proximidade conveniente a todos os serviços essenciais, comércio e escolas.

Com características únicas e exclusivas em que cada apartamento é cuidadosamente equipado para proporcionar um estilo de vida moderno e confortável.
Desfrute de ambientes climatizados com ar-condicionado para o seu máximo conforto.

A cozinha completamente equipada com forno, micro-ondas, placa vitrocerâmica, máquina Lavar Louça, exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou equivalente e Frigorífico e Arca side by side marca Beko.

Concebido a pensar na sua comodidade, cada apartamento inclui de garagem fechada para 2 carros para estacionar a sua viatura.
Despeça-se das preocupações com estacionamento e desfrute da facilidade de ter o seu próprio espaço seguro.
Viva o Melhor dos Dois Mundos:

Com piscina privada para adultos e crianças e ainda com um jardim amplo e generoso, onde poderá aproveitar dos bons momentos em família.

Com o empreendimento REAL SERENITY, desfrute do melhor dos dois mundos - um ambiente tranquilo e pacífico, a poucos minutos do centro da cidade


Isolamento Acústico
Instalação de Bomba de Calor para aquecimento de águas
Tetos Falsos em todo o apartamento
Interiores com Tonalidades Claras, aumentando a Eficiência da Luz
Natural e diminuição da Iluminação Artificial
Sancas de luz indireta e Projetores de Led
Tomadas TV na sala, cozinha e quartos
Portas Pivotantes ou Dobradiça Oculta Lacadas a Branco
Armários Roupeiros Lacados a Branco, com gavetas, prateleiras e varão,
em todos os quartos
Pavimento em Soalho Flutuante AC5 em Carvalho (halls, quartos, sala e
banho de serviço)
Estores de Alumínio Elétricos pelo exterior
Pré-Instalação de Sistema de Som Dolby Surround (Quartos e Sala)
Sistema de Aspiração Central
Instalação de Ar Condicionado (Quartos e Sala)

Moveis em MDF Hidrofogo Lacado a Branco
Balcões em Silestone
Pavimento em grés porcelânico retificado
Parede Pintada
Eletrodoméstico da marca Bosh (Forno, Micro-ondas, Placa
Vitrocerâmica, Máquina Lavar Louça), Exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou
equivalente e Frigorifico e Arca side by side marca Beko ou equivalente
Misturadora Cromada
Tanque na Lavandaria

Revestimentos das paredes e chão em material porcelânico retificado
Projetores de Led e Luzes Indiretas
Armários de Lavatório suspensos, Lacados a Branco
Louças Sanitárias suspensas
Torneiras Cromadas
Resguardos de Base de Chuveiro
Suite e Casas de Banho de Apoio aos Quartos equipadas com Kit de Duche

Fachada em Cappoto - Isolamento Térmico pelo Exterior
Caixilharias com Corte Térmico e Vidro Duplo
Ecopontos no Exterior das Habitações
Vídeo Porteiro com Ecrã a Cores
Garagem fechada para 2 carros com portão automático

Grandes áreas de jardim
Piscina grande de adultos
Piscina para crianças

Juntamente com a Ezata Credit, reforçamos que somos intermediários de Crédito à Habitação autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal e, juntamente com a Ezata Seguros, complementamos o processo de aquisição com as melhores propostas para o seu seguro de vida e seguro multirriscos.
Desta forma, para sua maior comodidade, podemos ajudá-lo ao longo de todo o processo, desde o seu primeiro contacto, até se sentir Em Casa.

Ezata Credit e Ezata Seguros são marcas pertencentes à Ezata Grupo.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
300.000 €
Descubra o seu novo lar no REAL SERENITY - o mais recente empreendimento a nascer na cidade de Gondomar.

Localização Privilegiada:
Situados a apenas 3 minutos do centro da cidade, os apartamentos T1, T2 e T3 no REAL SERENITY oferecem a harmonia perfeita entre a serenidade de uma zona calma e a proximidade conveniente a todos os serviços essenciais, comércio e escolas.

Com características únicas e exclusivas em que cada apartamento é cuidadosamente equipado para proporcionar um estilo de vida moderno e confortável.
Desfrute de ambientes climatizados com ar-condicionado para o seu máximo conforto.

A cozinha completamente equipada com forno, micro-ondas, placa vitrocerâmica, máquina Lavar Louça, exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou equivalente e Frigorífico e Arca side by side marca Beko.

Concebido a pensar na sua comodidade, cada apartamento inclui de garagem fechada para 2 carros para estacionar a sua viatura.
Despeça-se das preocupações com estacionamento e desfrute da facilidade de ter o seu próprio espaço seguro.
Viva o Melhor dos Dois Mundos:

Com piscina privada para adultos e crianças e ainda com um jardim amplo e generoso, onde poderá aproveitar dos bons momentos em família.

Com o empreendimento REAL SERENITY, desfrute do melhor dos dois mundos - um ambiente tranquilo e pacífico, a poucos minutos do centro da cidade


Isolamento Acústico
Instalação de Bomba de Calor para aquecimento de águas
Tetos Falsos em todo o apartamento
Interiores com Tonalidades Claras, aumentando a Eficiência da Luz
Natural e diminuição da Iluminação Artificial
Sancas de luz indireta e Projetores de Led
Tomadas TV na sala, cozinha e quartos
Portas Pivotantes ou Dobradiça Oculta Lacadas a Branco
Armários Roupeiros Lacados a Branco, com gavetas, prateleiras e varão,
em todos os quartos
Pavimento em Soalho Flutuante AC5 em Carvalho (halls, quartos, sala e
banho de serviço)
Estores de Alumínio Elétricos pelo exterior
Pré-Instalação de Sistema de Som Dolby Surround (Quartos e Sala)
Sistema de Aspiração Central
Instalação de Ar Condicionado (Quartos e Sala)

Moveis em MDF Hidrofogo Lacado a Branco
Balcões em Silestone
Pavimento em grés porcelânico retificado
Parede Pintada
Eletrodoméstico da marca Bosh (Forno, Micro-ondas, Placa
Vitrocerâmica, Máquina Lavar Louça), Exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou
equivalente e Frigorifico e Arca side by side marca Beko ou equivalente
Misturadora Cromada
Tanque na Lavandaria

Revestimentos das paredes e chão em material porcelânico retificado
Projetores de Led e Luzes Indiretas
Armários de Lavatório suspensos, Lacados a Branco
Louças Sanitárias suspensas
Torneiras Cromadas
Resguardos de Base de Chuveiro
Suite e Casas de Banho de Apoio aos Quartos equipadas com Kit de Duche

Fachada em Cappoto - Isolamento Térmico pelo Exterior
Caixilharias com Corte Térmico e Vidro Duplo
Ecopontos no Exterior das Habitações
Vídeo Porteiro com Ecrã a Cores
Garagem fechada para 2 carros com portão automático

Grandes áreas de jardim
Piscina grande de adultos
Piscina para crianças

Data prevista de finalização para o 2º semestre de 2026.

Juntamente com a Ezata Credit, reforçamos que somos intermediários de Crédito à Habitação autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal e, juntamente com a Ezata Seguros, complementamos o processo de aquisição com as melhores propostas para o seu seguro de vida e seguro multirriscos.
Desta forma, para sua maior comodidade, podemos ajudá-lo ao longo de todo o processo, desde o seu primeiro contacto, até se sentir Em Casa.

Ezata Credit e Ezata Seguros são marcas pertencentes à Ezata Grupo.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
327.500 €
Descubra o seu novo lar no REAL SERENITY - o mais recente empreendimento a nascer na cidade de Gondomar.

Localização Privilegiada:
Situados a apenas 3 minutos do centro da cidade, os apartamentos T1, T2 e T3 no REAL SERENITY oferecem a harmonia perfeita entre a serenidade de uma zona calma e a proximidade conveniente a todos os serviços essenciais, comércio e escolas.

Com características únicas e exclusivas em que cada apartamento é cuidadosamente equipado para proporcionar um estilo de vida moderno e confortável.
Desfrute de ambientes climatizados com ar-condicionado para o seu máximo conforto.

A cozinha completamente equipada com forno, micro-ondas, placa vitrocerâmica, máquina Lavar Louça, exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou equivalente e Frigorífico e Arca side by side marca Beko.

Concebido a pensar na sua comodidade, cada apartamento inclui de garagem fechada para 2 carros para estacionar a sua viatura.
Despeça-se das preocupações com estacionamento e desfrute da facilidade de ter o seu próprio espaço seguro.
Viva o Melhor dos Dois Mundos:

Com piscina privada para adultos e crianças e ainda com um jardim amplo e generoso, onde poderá aproveitar dos bons momentos em família.

Com o empreendimento REAL SERENITY, desfrute do melhor dos dois mundos - um ambiente tranquilo e pacífico, a poucos minutos do centro da cidade


Isolamento Acústico
Instalação de Bomba de Calor para aquecimento de águas
Tetos Falsos em todo o apartamento
Interiores com Tonalidades Claras, aumentando a Eficiência da Luz
Natural e diminuição da Iluminação Artificial
Sancas de luz indireta e Projetores de Led
Tomadas TV na sala, cozinha e quartos
Portas Pivotantes ou Dobradiça Oculta Lacadas a Branco
Armários Roupeiros Lacados a Branco, com gavetas, prateleiras e varão,
em todos os quartos
Pavimento em Soalho Flutuante AC5 em Carvalho (halls, quartos, sala e
banho de serviço)
Estores de Alumínio Elétricos pelo exterior
Pré-Instalação de Sistema de Som Dolby Surround (Quartos e Sala)
Sistema de Aspiração Central
Instalação de Ar Condicionado (Quartos e Sala)

Moveis em MDF Hidrofogo Lacado a Branco
Balcões em Silestone
Pavimento em grés porcelânico retificado
Parede Pintada
Eletrodoméstico da marca Bosh (Forno, Micro-ondas, Placa
Vitrocerâmica, Máquina Lavar Louça), Exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou
equivalente e Frigorifico e Arca side by side marca Beko ou equivalente
Misturadora Cromada
Tanque na Lavandaria

Revestimentos das paredes e chão em material porcelânico retificado
Projetores de Led e Luzes Indiretas
Armários de Lavatório suspensos, Lacados a Branco
Louças Sanitárias suspensas
Torneiras Cromadas
Resguardos de Base de Chuveiro
Suite e Casas de Banho de Apoio aos Quartos equipadas com Kit de Duche

Fachada em Cappoto - Isolamento Térmico pelo Exterior
Caixilharias com Corte Térmico e Vidro Duplo
Ecopontos no Exterior das Habitações
Vídeo Porteiro com Ecrã a Cores
Garagem fechada para 2 carros com portão automático

Grandes áreas de jardim
Piscina grande de adultos
Piscina para crianças

Data prevista de finalização para o 2º semestre de 2026.

Juntamente com a Ezata Credit, reforçamos que somos intermediários de Crédito à Habitação autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal e, juntamente com a Ezata Seguros, complementamos o processo de aquisição com as melhores propostas para o seu seguro de vida e seguro multirriscos.
Desta forma, para sua maior comodidade, podemos ajudá-lo ao longo de todo o processo, desde o seu primeiro contacto, até se sentir Em Casa.

Ezata Credit e Ezata Seguros são marcas pertencentes à Ezata Grupo.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
300.000 €
Descubra o seu novo lar no REAL SERENITY - o mais recente empreendimento a nascer na cidade de Gondomar.

Localização Privilegiada:
Situados a apenas 3 minutos do centro da cidade, os apartamentos T1, T2 e T3 no REAL SERENITY oferecem a harmonia perfeita entre a serenidade de uma zona calma e a proximidade conveniente a todos os serviços essenciais, comércio e escolas.

Com características únicas e exclusivas em que cada apartamento é cuidadosamente equipado para proporcionar um estilo de vida moderno e confortável.
Desfrute de ambientes climatizados com ar-condicionado para o seu máximo conforto.

A cozinha completamente equipada com forno, micro-ondas, placa vitrocerâmica, máquina Lavar Louça, exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou equivalente e Frigorífico e Arca side by side marca Beko.

Concebido a pensar na sua comodidade, cada apartamento inclui de garagem fechada para 2 carros para estacionar a sua viatura.
Despeça-se das preocupações com estacionamento e desfrute da facilidade de ter o seu próprio espaço seguro.
Viva o Melhor dos Dois Mundos:

Com piscina privada para adultos e crianças e ainda com um jardim amplo e generoso, onde poderá aproveitar dos bons momentos em família.

Com o empreendimento REAL SERENITY, desfrute do melhor dos dois mundos - um ambiente tranquilo e pacífico, a poucos minutos do centro da cidade


Isolamento Acústico
Instalação de Bomba de Calor para aquecimento de águas
Tetos Falsos em todo o apartamento
Interiores com Tonalidades Claras, aumentando a Eficiência da Luz
Natural e diminuição da Iluminação Artificial
Sancas de luz indireta e Projetores de Led
Tomadas TV na sala, cozinha e quartos
Portas Pivotantes ou Dobradiça Oculta Lacadas a Branco
Armários Roupeiros Lacados a Branco, com gavetas, prateleiras e varão,
em todos os quartos
Pavimento em Soalho Flutuante AC5 em Carvalho (halls, quartos, sala e
banho de serviço)
Estores de Alumínio Elétricos pelo exterior
Pré-Instalação de Sistema de Som Dolby Surround (Quartos e Sala)
Sistema de Aspiração Central
Instalação de Ar Condicionado (Quartos e Sala)

Moveis em MDF Hidrofogo Lacado a Branco
Balcões em Silestone
Pavimento em grés porcelânico retificado
Parede Pintada
Eletrodoméstico da marca Bosh (Forno, Micro-ondas, Placa
Vitrocerâmica, Máquina Lavar Louça), Exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou
equivalente e Frigorifico e Arca side by side marca Beko ou equivalente
Misturadora Cromada
Tanque na Lavandaria

Revestimentos das paredes e chão em material porcelânico retificado
Projetores de Led e Luzes Indiretas
Armários de Lavatório suspensos, Lacados a Branco
Louças Sanitárias suspensas
Torneiras Cromadas
Resguardos de Base de Chuveiro
Suite e Casas de Banho de Apoio aos Quartos equipadas com Kit de Duche

Fachada em Cappoto - Isolamento Térmico pelo Exterior
Caixilharias com Corte Térmico e Vidro Duplo
Ecopontos no Exterior das Habitações
Vídeo Porteiro com Ecrã a Cores
Garagem fechada para 2 carros com portão automático

Grandes áreas de jardim
Piscina grande de adultos
Piscina para crianças

Data prevista de finalização para o 2º semestre de 2026.

Juntamente com a Ezata Credit, reforçamos que somos intermediários de Crédito à Habitação autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal e, juntamente com a Ezata Seguros, complementamos o processo de aquisição com as melhores propostas para o seu seguro de vida e seguro multirriscos.
Desta forma, para sua maior comodidade, podemos ajudá-lo ao longo de todo o processo, desde o seu primeiro contacto, até se sentir Em Casa.

Ezata Credit e Ezata Seguros são marcas pertencentes à Ezata Grupo.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
330.000 €
Descubra o seu novo lar no REAL SERENITY - o mais recente empreendimento a nascer na cidade de Gondomar.

Localização Privilegiada:
Situados a apenas 3 minutos do centro da cidade, os apartamentos T1, T2 e T3 no REAL SERENITY oferecem a harmonia perfeita entre a serenidade de uma zona calma e a proximidade conveniente a todos os serviços essenciais, comércio e escolas.

Com características únicas e exclusivas em que cada apartamento é cuidadosamente equipado para proporcionar um estilo de vida moderno e confortável.
Desfrute de ambientes climatizados com ar-condicionado para o seu máximo conforto.

A cozinha completamente equipada com forno, micro-ondas, placa vitrocerâmica, máquina Lavar Louça, exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou equivalente e Frigorífico e Arca side by side marca Beko.

Concebido a pensar na sua comodidade, cada apartamento inclui de garagem fechada para 2 carros para estacionar a sua viatura.
Despeça-se das preocupações com estacionamento e desfrute da facilidade de ter o seu próprio espaço seguro.
Viva o Melhor dos Dois Mundos:

Com piscina privada para adultos e crianças e ainda com um jardim amplo e generoso, onde poderá aproveitar dos bons momentos em família.

Com o empreendimento REAL SERENITY, desfrute do melhor dos dois mundos - um ambiente tranquilo e pacífico, a poucos minutos do centro da cidade


Isolamento Acústico
Instalação de Bomba de Calor para aquecimento de águas
Tetos Falsos em todo o apartamento
Interiores com Tonalidades Claras, aumentando a Eficiência da Luz
Natural e diminuição da Iluminação Artificial
Sancas de luz indireta e Projetores de Led
Tomadas TV na sala, cozinha e quartos
Portas Pivotantes ou Dobradiça Oculta Lacadas a Branco
Armários Roupeiros Lacados a Branco, com gavetas, prateleiras e varão,
em todos os quartos
Pavimento em Soalho Flutuante AC5 em Carvalho (halls, quartos, sala e
banho de serviço)
Estores de Alumínio Elétricos pelo exterior
Pré-Instalação de Sistema de Som Dolby Surround (Quartos e Sala)
Sistema de Aspiração Central
Instalação de Ar Condicionado (Quartos e Sala)

Moveis em MDF Hidrofogo Lacado a Branco
Balcões em Silestone
Pavimento em grés porcelânico retificado
Parede Pintada
Eletrodoméstico da marca Bosh (Forno, Micro-ondas, Placa
Vitrocerâmica, Máquina Lavar Louça), Exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou
equivalente e Frigorifico e Arca side by side marca Beko ou equivalente
Misturadora Cromada
Tanque na Lavandaria

Revestimentos das paredes e chão em material porcelânico retificado
Projetores de Led e Luzes Indiretas
Armários de Lavatório suspensos, Lacados a Branco
Louças Sanitárias suspensas
Torneiras Cromadas
Resguardos de Base de Chuveiro
Suite e Casas de Banho de Apoio aos Quartos equipadas com Kit de Duche

Fachada em Cappoto - Isolamento Térmico pelo Exterior
Caixilharias com Corte Térmico e Vidro Duplo
Ecopontos no Exterior das Habitações
Vídeo Porteiro com Ecrã a Cores
Garagem fechada para 2 carros com portão automático

Grandes áreas de jardim
Piscina grande de adultos
Piscina para crianças

Juntamente com a Ezata Credit, reforçamos que somos intermediários de Crédito à Habitação autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal e, juntamente com a Ezata Seguros, complementamos o processo de aquisição com as melhores propostas para o seu seguro de vida e seguro multirriscos.
Desta forma, para sua maior comodidade, podemos ajudá-lo ao longo de todo o processo, desde o seu primeiro contacto, até se sentir Em Casa.

Ezata Credit e Ezata Seguros são marcas pertencentes à Ezata Grupo.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
302.500 €
Descubra o seu novo lar no REAL SERENITY - o mais recente empreendimento a nascer na cidade de Gondomar.

Localização Privilegiada:
Situados a apenas 3 minutos do centro da cidade, os apartamentos T1, T2 e T3 no REAL SERENITY oferecem a harmonia perfeita entre a serenidade de uma zona calma e a proximidade conveniente a todos os serviços essenciais, comércio e escolas.

Com características únicas e exclusivas em que cada apartamento é cuidadosamente equipado para proporcionar um estilo de vida moderno e confortável.
Desfrute de ambientes climatizados com ar-condicionado para o seu máximo conforto.

A cozinha completamente equipada com forno, micro-ondas, placa vitrocerâmica, máquina Lavar Louça, exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou equivalente e Frigorífico e Arca side by side marca Beko.

Concebido a pensar na sua comodidade, cada apartamento inclui de garagem fechada para 2 carros para estacionar a sua viatura.
Despeça-se das preocupações com estacionamento e desfrute da facilidade de ter o seu próprio espaço seguro.
Viva o Melhor dos Dois Mundos:

Com piscina privada para adultos e crianças e ainda com um jardim amplo e generoso, onde poderá aproveitar dos bons momentos em família.

Com o empreendimento REAL SERENITY, desfrute do melhor dos dois mundos - um ambiente tranquilo e pacífico, a poucos minutos do centro da cidade


Isolamento Acústico
Instalação de Bomba de Calor para aquecimento de águas
Tetos Falsos em todo o apartamento
Interiores com Tonalidades Claras, aumentando a Eficiência da Luz
Natural e diminuição da Iluminação Artificial
Sancas de luz indireta e Projetores de Led
Tomadas TV na sala, cozinha e quartos
Portas Pivotantes ou Dobradiça Oculta Lacadas a Branco
Armários Roupeiros Lacados a Branco, com gavetas, prateleiras e varão,
em todos os quartos
Pavimento em Soalho Flutuante AC5 em Carvalho (halls, quartos, sala e
banho de serviço)
Estores de Alumínio Elétricos pelo exterior
Pré-Instalação de Sistema de Som Dolby Surround (Quartos e Sala)
Sistema de Aspiração Central
Instalação de Ar Condicionado (Quartos e Sala)

Moveis em MDF Hidrofogo Lacado a Branco
Balcões em Silestone
Pavimento em grés porcelânico retificado
Parede Pintada
Eletrodoméstico da marca Bosh (Forno, Micro-ondas, Placa
Vitrocerâmica, Máquina Lavar Louça), Exaustor de ilha marca Cata ou
equivalente e Frigorifico e Arca side by side marca Beko ou equivalente
Misturadora Cromada
Tanque na Lavandaria

Revestimentos das paredes e chão em material porcelânico retificado
Projetores de Led e Luzes Indiretas
Armários de Lavatório suspensos, Lacados a Branco
Louças Sanitárias suspensas
Torneiras Cromadas
Resguardos de Base de Chuveiro
Suite e Casas de Banho de Apoio aos Quartos equipadas com Kit de Duche

Fachada em Cappoto - Isolamento Térmico pelo Exterior
Caixilharias com Corte Térmico e Vidro Duplo
Ecopontos no Exterior das Habitações
Vídeo Porteiro com Ecrã a Cores
Garagem fechada para 2 carros com portão automático

Grandes áreas de jardim
Piscina grande de adultos
Piscina para crianças

Juntamente com a Ezata Credit, reforçamos que somos intermediários de Crédito à Habitação autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal e, juntamente com a Ezata Seguros, complementamos o processo de aquisição com as melhores propostas para o seu seguro de vida e seguro multirriscos.
Desta forma, para sua maior comodidade, podemos ajudá-lo ao longo de todo o processo, desde o seu primeiro contacto, até se sentir Em Casa.

Ezata Credit e Ezata Seguros são marcas pertencentes à Ezata Grupo.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
302.500 €
We present a stunning two-bedroom apartment, with a total area of 109.40 m2, located on the second floor. This property is perfect for those who value comfort and quality of life.

Apartment features:
- Living area of 94.10 m2
- Generous 22.40 m2 balcony
- Spacious garage of 32.10 m2

Apartment layout:
- Living room open to the kitchen (open space)
- Suite with dressing room
- Bedroom with closets
- Two complete bathrooms
- Laundry room and balcony

Equipment and finishes
The kitchen will be equipped with high-end Bosch appliances, including:
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Hob
- Extractor hood
- Dishwasher
- Microwave

The bathrooms have
- White lacquered hanging washbasin cabinets
- Hanging sanitary ware
- Chrome faucets
- Shower tray screens
- LED spotlights and indirect lighting

Situated in a unique location, this development offers a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and commerce, combining the serenity that the proximity of the River Douro provides.

Services nearby:
- 1.1 km from the Health Center
- 1.7 km from the Primary School
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School
- 1.8 km from supermarket
- 2.4 km from the Private Hospital
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Center
- 12.9 km from Public Hospital

Completion of the development:
Completion is scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
330.000 €
We present a stunning two-bedroom apartment, with a total area of 111.90 m2, located on the second floor. This property is perfect for those who value comfort and quality of life.

Apartment features:
- Living area of 94.10 m2
- Balcony of 14.90 m2
- Spacious 33.40 m2 garage

Apartment layout:
- Living room open to the kitchen (open space)
- Suite with dressing room
- Bedroom with closets
- Two complete bathrooms
- Laundry room and balcony

Equipment and finishes
The kitchen will be equipped with high-end Bosch appliances, including:
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Hob
- Extractor hood
- Dishwasher
- Microwave

The bathrooms have
- White lacquered hanging washbasin cabinets
- Hanging sanitary ware
- Chrome faucets
- Shower tray screens
- LED spotlights and indirect lighting

Situated in a unique location, this development offers a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and commerce, combining the serenity that the proximity of the River Douro provides.
Services nearby:
- 1.1 km from the Health Center
- 1.7 km from the Primary School
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School
- 1.8 km from supermarket
- 2.4 km from the Private Hospital
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Center
- 12.9 km from Public Hospital

Completion of the development:
Completion is scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
302.500 €
We present a stunning two-bedroom apartment, with a total area of 110.70 m2, located on the second floor. This property is perfect for those who value comfort and quality of life.

Apartment features:
- Living area of 94.10 m2
- Generous balcony of 20.10 m2
- Spacious 33.00 m2 garage

Apartment layout:
- Living room open to the kitchen (open space)
- Suite with dressing room
- Bedroom with closets
- Two complete bathrooms
- Laundry room and balcony

Equipment and finishes
The kitchen will be equipped with high-end Bosch appliances, including:
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Hob
- Extractor hood
- Dishwasher
- Microwave

The bathrooms have
- White lacquered hanging washbasin cabinets
- Hanging sanitary ware
- Chrome faucets
- Shower tray screens
- LED spotlights and indirect lighting

Situated in a unique location, this development offers a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and commerce, combining the serenity that the proximity of the River Douro provides.
Services nearby:
- 1.1 km from the Health Center
- 1.7 km from the Primary School
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School
- 1.8 km from supermarket
- 2.4 km from the Private Hospital
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Center
- 12.9 km from Public Hospital

Completion of the development:
Completion is scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
300.000 €
We present a two-bedroom flat in a gated community that redefines the concept of home. With just 18 apartments, there are options of 2, 3, 3+1 and 4 bedrooms. This development stands out for its modern and sophisticated lines, featuring generous balcony and terrace areas, where every detail has been designed for excellence. Impeccable design and functionality come together harmoniously, creating ideal living spaces.

Designed to provide maximum comfort, the development offers large outdoor areas with gardens and leisure areas, making it possible to enjoy moments of relaxation in two private swimming pools, perfect for relaxing and soaking up the sun.

Situated in a unique location, this development is ideal for those who want to live in a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and shops, without giving up the tranquillity provided by the proximity of the Douro River to nature.

Located at:
- 1.1 km from the Health Centre;
- 1.7 km from the Primary School;
- 1.7 km from public transport;
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School;
- 1.8 km from supermarket;
- 2.4 km from private hospital;
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Centre and
- 12.9 km from the Public Hospital;

Completion scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to arrange a visit, contact us today.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
327.500 €
We present a stunning two-bedroom apartment, with a total area of 111.90 m2, located on the second floor. This property is perfect for those who value comfort and quality of life.

Apartment features:
- Living area of 92.40 m2
- Balcony of 14.90 m2
- Spacious garage of 32.60 m2

Apartment layout:
- Living room open to the kitchen (open space)
- Suite with dressing room
- Bedroom with closets
- Two complete bathrooms
- Laundry room and balcony

Equipment and finishes
The kitchen will be equipped with high-end Bosch appliances, including:
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Hob
- Extractor hood
- Dishwasher
- Microwave

The bathrooms have
- White lacquered hanging washbasin cabinets
- Hanging sanitary ware
- Chrome faucets
- Shower tray screens
- LED spotlights and indirect lighting

Situated in a unique location, this development offers a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and commerce, combining the serenity that the proximity of the River Douro provides.
Services nearby:
- 1.1 km from the Health Center
- 1.7 km from the Primary School
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School
- 1.8 km from supermarket
- 2.4 km from the Private Hospital
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Center
- 12.9 km from Public Hospital

Completion of the development:
Completion is scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
300.000 €
We present a stunning two-bedroom apartment, with a total area of 110.70 m2, located on the second floor. This property is perfect for those who value comfort and quality of life.

Apartment features:
- Living area of 94.10 m2
- Generous balcony of 20.10 m2
- Spacious garage of 31.50 m2

Apartment layout:
- Living room open to the kitchen (open space)
- Suite with dressing room
- Bedroom with closets
- Two complete bathrooms
- Laundry room and balcony

Equipment and finishes
The kitchen will be equipped with high-end Bosch appliances, including:
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Hob
- Extractor hood
- Dishwasher
- Microwave

The bathrooms have
- White lacquered hanging washbasin cabinets
- Hanging sanitary ware
- Chrome faucets
- Shower tray screens
- LED spotlights and indirect lighting

Situated in a unique location, this development offers a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and commerce, combining the serenity that the proximity of the River Douro provides.

Services nearby:
- 1.1 km from the Health Center
- 1.7 km from the Primary School
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School
- 1.8 km from supermarket
- 2.4 km from the Private Hospital
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Center
- 12.9 km from Public Hospital

Completion of the development:
Completion is scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
330.000 €
We present a stunning two-bedroom apartment, with a total area of 111.90 m2, located on the ground floor. This property is perfect for those who value comfort and quality of life.

Apartment features:
- Living area of 92.40 m2
- Generous 72.50 m2 terrace
- Spacious 33.00 m2 garage

Apartment layout:
- Living room open to the kitchen (open space)
- Suite with dressing room
- Bedroom with closets
- Two complete bathrooms
- Laundry room and balcony

Equipment and finishes
The kitchen will be equipped with high-end Bosch appliances, including:
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Hob
- Extractor hood
- Dishwasher
- Microwave

The bathrooms have
- White lacquered hanging washbasin cabinets
- Hanging sanitary ware
- Chrome faucets
- Shower tray screens
- LED spotlights and indirect lighting

Situated in a unique location, this development offers a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and commerce, combining the serenity that the proximity of the River Douro provides.
Services nearby:
- 1.1 km from the Health Center
- 1.7 km from the Primary School
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School
- 1.8 km from supermarket
- 2.4 km from the Private Hospital
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Center
- 12.9 km from Public Hospital

Completion of the development:
Completion is scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
297.500 €
We present a stunning two-bedroom apartment, with a total area of 112.30 m2, located on the ground floor. This property is perfect for those who value comfort and quality of life.

Apartment features:
- Living area of 92.10 m2
- Generous balcony of 19.60 m2
- Spacious 33.20 m2 garage

Apartment layout:
- Living room open to the kitchen (open space)
- Suite with dressing room
- Bedroom with closets
- Two complete bathrooms
- Laundry room and balcony

Equipment and finishes
The kitchen will be equipped with high-end Bosch appliances, including:
- Refrigerator
- Oven
- Hob
- Extractor hood
- Dishwasher
- Microwave

The bathrooms have
- White lacquered hanging washbasin cabinets
- Hanging sanitary ware
- Chrome faucets
- Shower tray screens
- LED spotlights and indirect lighting

Situated in a unique location, this development offers a city environment, with easy access to a variety of services and commerce, combining the serenity that the proximity of the River Douro provides.

Services nearby:
- 1.1 km from the Health Center
- 1.7 km from the Primary School
- 1.8 km from the Secondary School
- 1.8 km from supermarket
- 2.4 km from the Private Hospital
- 2.6 km from the Multipurpose Center
- 12.9 km from Public Hospital

Completion of the development:
Completion is scheduled for the end of 2026.

For more information or to schedule a visit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Freixo (Valbom), Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 113m²
With Garage
755.000 €
2 bedroom flat with 114 m2, terrace of 83 m2 with panoramic views over the Douro River, inserted in The View development.

Inserted in a closed condominium consisting of 29 exclusive apartments of typologies T2, T3 and T4, with stunning views over the Douro River.

Apartment features a terrace with private pool, incredible first-rate views over the Douro River with premium finishes.

Elegant and luxurious flat, designed by Paulo Merlini Architects, generously spacious but intimate and seductive.

The flat is located in a gated community with gym, concierge and many additional services, and the property has a box for 2 cars.

With unique details, such as minimalist windows across the façade over the river, the apartments are invaded with natural light mirrored by the waters of the Douro River.

The large and airy areas of the development make this flat ideal for gathering family and friends in a unique space.

The large private terrace overlooking the Douro, allows a unique connection of the flat to nature and the river.

The flat is only 5 minutes from the centre of Porto and about 1 minute from Vci, the main communication route of the city of Porto.
Totally out of the hustle and bustle of the city, yet close, it is the perfect location for those looking for a less fast-paced, more private and personalised lifestyle, yet close to the city.

With premium finishes, the flat has solid flooring in the living rooms, bedrooms and service bathroom, Travertine marble in the suites, Roca crockery, Bruma taps and Miele appliances.

Assignment of Position.

Book now.

For over 25 years Castelhana has been a renowned name in the Portuguese real estate sector. As a company of Dils group, we specialize in advising businesses, organizations and (institutional) investors in buying, selling, renting, letting and development of residential properties.

Founded in 1999, Castelhana has built one of the largest and most solid real estate portfolios in Portugal over the years, with over 600 renovation and new construction projects.

In Porto, we are based in Foz Do Douro, one of the noblest places in the city. In Lisbon, in Chiado, one of the most emblematic and traditional areas of the capital and in the Algarve next to the renowned Vilamoura Marina.

We are waiting for you. We have a team available to give you the best support in your next real estate investment.

Contact us!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
327.500 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with balcony is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
300.000 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with balcony is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
300.000 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with balcony is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
297.500 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with balcony is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
330.000 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with terrace is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
330.000 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with balcony is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 92m²
With Garage
302.500 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with balcony is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
302.500 €
This listing presents an excellent 2 bedroom flat for sale in Gondomar, located in the Real Serenity condominium, currently in its second phase of construction. Located in São Cosme, Gondomar, this development offers a unique investment opportunity in a privileged area, surrounded by green spaces and with modern infrastructures.

**Features of the Real Serenity Development:**

- **Privileged Location:** Inserted in a quiet and green area, ideal for those looking for quality of life and proximity to nature, without giving up the convenience of being close to Porto.
- Modern Architecture: The condominium consists of 18 exclusive fractions, ranging from T1, T2 and T3, all designed with a contemporary architecture that reflects the current lifestyle.
- **Innovative and Functional Design:** The apartments were carefully planned to offer comfort and practicality, with large private areas and a design that combines elegance and functionality.
- **Quality Equipment:** The kitchens are fully equipped with Bosch appliances, and the apartments include built-in wardrobes, pre-installation of air conditioning and heat pump, as well as a central vacuum system.
- **Complete Infrastructure:** The condominium offers a swimming pool and gardens for common use, a closed garage and additional security provided by a gated community.

**Payment Terms:**
- 10% in the promissory contract of purchase and sale (CPCV).
- 90% in the deed.

**Construction Completion Forecast:** End of 2026, with possible deliveries in early 2027.

This 2 bedroom flat with balcony is an excellent opportunity in the real estate market, perfect for both own housing and investment. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the sales team.

Call now so you don’t miss this opportunity!

NOTE: the images are merely illustrative.

Note: If you are a real estate consultant, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to present your buyers to your customers and contact us to schedule your visit.

Entreparedes Real Estate
Entreparedes Real Estate is a company that is in the Real Estate Sales and Management market with the intention of making a difference by its standard of seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.
Our team of employees is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, with a personalised approach to each client.
We tirelessly seek the satisfaction of our customers, whether they are buyers or sellers, seeking to give our customers the highest profitability and quality, using the most diverse and current technologies to ensure wide and quality dissemination.
We deal with all the bureaucracy until after the deed with a high degree of professionalism.
For Entreparedes a satisfied customer is the greatest achievement and satisfaction of mission accomplished.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 94m²
With Garage
297.500 €
2 bedroom flat in S. Cosme

The photographs of the development are in 3D

Energy Class A(DCR)

Inserted in a gated community with swimming pool

For more information about this or another property, visit our website and talk to us!

SIGLA - Sociedade de Mediação Imobiliária, Lda is a company with more than 25 years of experience in the real estate market, recognised for its personalised service and professionalism in all phases of the business. With over 300 properties available, the company has been a reliable choice for those looking to buy, sell or lease a property.

SIGLA, your Real Estate Agency!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
7 Caminhos (São Cosme), Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 87m²
With Garage
265.000 €
Apartamento T2 de luxo em Gondomar inserido em condomínio fechado ’Edifício Real Serenity’ com piscina e jardins na freguesia de S. Cosme.

Imóvel com área útil de 87,20m², composto por hall, sala em open space com a cozinha equipada (forno, micro-ondas, placa vitrocerâmica, exaustor, máquina de lavar louça e frigorifico), casa de banho completa, dois quartos, um deles suite, ambos com roupeiros embutidos.

Possui também, garagem box para dois carros na cave do prédio.

Edifício em construção, previsto terminar em Dezembro 2025.

- Isolamento Acústico
- Instalação de Bomba de Calor para aquecimento de águas
-Tetos Falsos em todo o apartamento
- Interiores com Tonalidades Claras, aumentando a Eficiência da Luz
Natural e diminuição da Iluminação Artificial
- Sancas de luz indireta e Projetores de Led
- Tomadas TV na sala, cozinha e quartos
- Portas Pivotantes ou Dobradiça Oculta Lacadas a Branco
- Armários Roupeiros Lacados a Branco, com gavetas, prateleiras e varão,
em todos os quartos
- Pavimento em Soalho Flutuante AC5 em Carvalho (halls, quartos, sala e
banho de serviço)
- Estores de Alumínio Elétricos pelo exterior
- Pré-Instalação de Sistema de Som Dolby Surround (Quartos e Sala)
- Sistema de Aspiração Central
- Instalação de Ar Condicionado (Quartos e Sala)

- Moveis em MDF Hidrofogo Lacado a Branco
- Balcões em Silestone
- Pavimento em grés porcelânico retificado
- Parede Pintada
- Eletrodoméstico da marca Bosch (Forno, Micro-ondas, Placa
Vitrocerâmica, Máquina Lavar Louça e Exaustor) Frigorifico e Arca side
by side marca Beko ou equivalente
- Misturadora Cromada
- Tanque na Lavandaria

- Revestimentos das paredes e chão em material porcelânico retificado
- Projetores de Led e Luzes Indiretas
- Armários de Lavatório suspensos, Lacados a Branco
- Louças Sanitárias suspensas
- Torneiras Cromadas
- Resguardos de Base de Chuveiro
- Suite e Casas de Banho de Apoio aos Quartos equipadas com Kit de Duche

- Fachada em Capoto - Isolamento Térmico pelo Exterior
- Caixilharias com Corte Térmico e Vidro Duplo
- Ecopontos no Exterior das Habitações
- Vídeo Porteiro com Ecrã a Cores
- Garagem fechada para 2 carros com portão automático

- Grandes áreas de jardim
- Piscina grande de adultos
- Piscina para crianças

Nota: Neste edifício existem outras tipologias.

Marque já a sua visita!!!

GC IMOBILIÁRIA - Licença AMI: 10841

Com sede em Vila Nova de Gaia e com mais de 15 anos no setor imobiliário, atuamos, preferencialmente, no Grande Porto.

Com um padrão de seriedade na prestação de serviços imobiliários, procuramos realizar bons negócios, com eficiência mas com total transparência em todas as fases do processo.

Com uma equipa de profissionais com um vasto conhecimento da atividade imobiliária para que possamos sugerir sempre as melhores alternativas.

Somos Intermediários de Crédito aprovado pelo Banco de Portugal (nº1884), o que permite aos nossos Clientes, de uma forma gratuita, terem acesso aos principias Bancos do mercado e com especiais condições de financiamento.
See more Properties for Sale, Apartments - Apartment Under construction, in Distrito do Porto, Gondomar (São Cosme), Valbom e Jovim
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