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2 Fermes et propriétés Studio, 2 Pièces, 3 Pièces, 4 Pièces, 5 Pièces, 6 Pièces ou 7 Pièces Supérieur pour Acheter, à Mafra, Enxara do Bispo, Gradil e Vila Franca do Rosário

2 Fermes et propriétés Studio, 2 Pièces, 3 Pièces, 4 Pièces, 5 Pièces, 6 Pièces ou 7 Pièces Supérieur pour Acheter, à Mafra, Enxara do Bispo, Gradil e Vila Franca do Rosário
Ferme 9 Pièces
Enxara do Bispo, Gradil e Vila Franca do Rosário, Mafra, Distrito de Lisboa
Bon état · 1 311m²
Avec Garage
15.000.000 €
This fabulous 18th century manor house, located in Mafra, is a true architectural gem. With a total area of 120 hectares, the manor house has a gross private area of 1,311m2 and a gross construction area of 1,579m2, including a chapel, various support buildings and a vast woodland area.

The house, built in the mid-20th century, was inspired by the centuries-old homes of Portuguese noble families. Noble materials were used, such as stone slabs recovered from churches and other stately homes, as well as high-quality wood. Highlights include the remarkable paintings on the panelled ceilings of the main halls, which combine finishes from various periods. 17th and 18th century tile panels, original 16th century interior arches, stone vaulted ceilings, 18th century fireplace stones and other pieces from France, Italy, Germany, Venice and Greece adorn the interior.

The 17th and 18th century tiles give the building a unique harmony and beauty, while the swimming pool lined with tiles by the painter and ceramist Manuel Cargaleiro is a work of art in itself.

The two-storey house has two main entrances, one for each floor, with access via the gardens or a side staircase to the car park. The balconies offer breathtaking views of the surrounding nature and the magnificent ornate boxwood garden, complemented by various shrub species and a small pond.

On the first floor, a large entrance hall with a tiled stone staircase leads to the main lounge with an 18th-century fireplace and magnificent old stone arches. The Dining Room overlooks the pool, and a spacious Library/Office, also with a fireplace, connects to the balcony.

In addition, there is a guest bathroom, kitchen, pantry and staff room with bathroom.

In the private wing, there are two large suites, one with access to the main balcony, and two interconnected bedrooms with a bathroom.

On the ground floor, also with an entrance hall and similar finishes to the upper floor, there are two huge suites.

It’s worth noting that all the wood is over 150-year-old Riga pine.

This magnificent Quinta also offers a wide range of exclusive amenities. The following features stand out:

Riding Ring: Includes a riding ring, providing an ideal space for practising and enjoying horse riding.

Walled and Fenced Division: The property is partly walled and partly fenced and has 7 gates along the length of the property, guaranteeing privacy and security.

Accessible wooded area: The extensive wooded area can be explored via various roads, providing lovely walks in the midst of nature.

Lagoons: There are two lagoons, adding a touch of serenity and natural beauty to the property.

Drinking Water Mines: The presence of two drinking water mines is also noteworthy, guaranteeing a sustainable and quality supply.

Proximity to Golf Course: This magnificent estate is also characterised by its proximity to a golf course, offering an additional leisure option for lovers of this sport.

This unique property combines luxury, history and functionality, making it a true haven of excellence in the heart of Mafra.
Ferme 9 Pièces
Enxara do Bispo, Gradil e Vila Franca do Rosário, Mafra, Distrito de Lisboa
Bon état · 3 150m²
15.000.000 €
Imponente Casa Senhorial com 1300 m 2 de área construída no edifício principal, um segundo edifício com 350m2 e uma capela, inseridos em Quinta com 120 hectares.

A Casa principal, com 1300 m2 em dois pisos foi construída em meados do século passado, observando as técnicas de construção das casas nobres portugueses, encontrando-se em irrepreensível estado de conservação. Foram utilizados materiais como lajes de pedra recuperados de igrejas e outras casas senhoriais, madeiras nobres, pinturas tipo Versailles nos tetos nos salões principais, cabendo destacar a atenção especial dada aos acabamentos, incorporando harmoniosamente no interior do edifício extensos painéis de azulejos do século XVII e XVIII, arcos interiores em pedra originais do Século XVI, tetos abobadados em pedra, pedras de lareira do Século XVIII e outras peças oriundas de França, Itália, Alemanha, Veneza e Grécia.

Os lindíssimos azulejos antigos portugueses estão presentes nos interiores ao longo de toda a casa, numa harmonia impressionante, e são o ex-libris do interior do edifício.

O conjunto da Casa é uma viagem ao passado, com a genuinidade e harmonia dos acabamentos a recriar na perfeição os ambientes das antigas casas senhoriais portuguesas. A solidez da construção, a amplitude das áreas, a integração e beleza dos acabamentos, aliada aos confortos modernos de que dispõe tornam a casa um sítio de exceção para viver com glamour.

A planta da casa é em H, com dois pisos com aproximadamente 650m2 cada. Existem duas entradas principais, uma para cada piso, uma com acesso pelos jardins, a outra por uma escadaria adjacente ao pátio para estacionamento de automóveis. A casa encontra-se rodeada por belíssimos jardins de buxos e diversos plateaus com vegetação que forma belíssimos cenários naturais. Possui ainda uma enorme varanda principal e duas varandas adjacentes, ao nível do primeiro piso, com vista para os jardins e campos adjacentes. A privacidade e sossego resultantes da dimensão da propriedade e a sua integração paisagística são notáveis.

No piso superior da casa encontram-se os salões principais, como o extenso Hall de entrada com tetos pintados, lajes de pedra antiga no chão, painéis de azulejo e imponente escadaria em pedra e paredes de azulejo.

Do hall acede-se ao enorme Salão Principal, com tetos pintados, chão em laje de pedra antiga, lareira com pedra do Século XVIII e magníficos arcos de pedra antigos a enquadrar as várias portas.

Do salão principal acede-se à varanda principal da casa, com uma vista formidável para os jardins da casa, campo e Tapada de Mafra. Segue-se a imponente Sala de Jantar com o mesmo tipo de acabamentos do salão principal e vista para a Piscina e respetiva estrutura de apoio, sendo a piscina forrada a azulejos de Manuel Cargaleiro.

Ao lado da sala de jantar situa-se a ampla Biblioteca/escritório, também com lareira e uma ampla varanda, que liga à varanda principal. Casa de banho social, cozinha, copa e quarto de empregados com casa de banho privativa completam esta ala do primeiro piso.

Na ala privada deste piso situam-se ainda duas amplas suites, uma delas com varanda ligada à varanda principal da casa e mais dois quartos interligados, com uma casa de banho.

No piso inferior da casa, também com Hall de entrada principal e com o mesmo tipo de acabamento do piso superior, situam-se duas enormes suites, com decoração e acabamentos extraordinários, com predominância da pedra, madeiras e azulejos, conjugados em harmonia e enorme qualidade e beleza. Os salões deste piso são também impressionantes, com o enorme salão dos arcos e a antiga biblioteca a pontuarem como o local privilegiado para festas, pela amplitude e beleza das salas, que tem acesso a um enorme alpendre exterior e que dá continuidade aos espaços já de grandes dimensões, mas acolhedores.

Com acesso separado através do pátio de estacionamento, neste piso existe também uma grande adega, zonas de armazenagem, casas das máquinas e uma excelente casa de caseiros.

A capela está integrada nos jardins da casa e foi também construída segundo as técnicas das antigas capelas portuguesas.

Existe ainda um segundo edifício, rústico, com a área de aproximadamente 350 metros quadrados, em dois pisos, com habitação, lagar vínico, armazéns e antigas boxes para cavalos que poderá ser facilmente modernizado.

Os belíssimos jardins que rodeiam a propriedade foram inspirados nos jardins das casas senhoriais europeias, com sebes de buxos integrados em elegantes estruturas de pedra e vegetação exótica e autóctone.

Ainda nas imediações da casa principal existem vários fantásticos plateaus ajardinados ou florestados, com pérgolas, tanques em pedra, um picadeiro, criando diversos ambientes de enorme qualidade e beleza natural. Já na parte florestal da propriedade, com aproximadamente 115 hectares, confinando em parte com a Tapada de Mafra, destaca-se uma lagoa artificial com enquadramento paisagístico de exceção, abundante florestação de cedros e outras árvores ornamentais.

A parte da zona florestal composta por eucaliptais encontra-se em exploração por entidade especializada, que assegura a limpeza e conservação das matas e caminhos de herdade. Situada perto da vila do Gradil, a propriedade encontra-se a trinta minutos de Lisboa, com excelentes acessibilidades via autoestradas.

A propriedade beneficia ainda da proximidade a Mafra, com acesso a grandes superfícies comerciais, restauração de qualidade e todos os serviços necessários, bem como de proximidade a praias, aeródromos e outras estruturas de diversão e lazer!

A informação disponibilizada não dispensa a sua confirmação e não pode ser considerada vinculativa.

Amazing Manor House with 1300 m2 of built area in the main building, a second house with 350m2 and a chapel, inserted in a Farm with 120 hectares.

The main house, with 1300 m2 on two floors, was built in the middle of the last century, observing the construction techniques of Portuguese noble houses, and is in an impeccable state of conservation. Materials were used such as stone slabs recovered from churches and other manor houses, noble wood, Versailles-type paintings on the ceilings in the main halls, highlighting the special attention given to finishes, harmoniously incorporating extensive 17th century tile panels and 18th century, original stone interior arches from the 16th century, stone vaulted ceilings, 18th century fireplace stones and other pieces from France, Italy, Germany, Venice and Greece.

The beautiful old Portuguese tiles are present in the interiors throughout the entire house, in an impressive harmony, and are the ex-libris of the building’s interior.

The whole House is a journey into the past, with the genuineness and harmony of the finishes perfectly recreating the environments of the old Portuguese manor houses. The solidity of the construction, the breadth of the areas, the integration and beauty of the finishes, allied to the modern comforts available, make the house an exceptional place to live with glamour.

The plan of the house is in H, with two floors of approximately 650m2 each. There are two main entrances, one for each floor, one with access through the gardens, the other by a staircase adjacent to the car park. The house is surrounded by beautiful boxwood gardens and several plateaus with vegetation that form beautiful natural scenarios. It also has a huge main balcony and two adjoining balconies, at first floor level, overlooking the adjacent gardens and fields. The privacy and tranquility resulting from the size of the property and its integration into the landscape are remarkable.

On the upper floor of the house are the main halls, such as the extensive entrance hall with painted ceilings, old stone slabs on the floor, tiled panels and an imposing stone staircase and tiled walls.

From the hall you can access the huge Main Hall, with painted ceilings, old stone slab floors, fireplace with 18th century stone and magnificent old stone arches framing the various doors.

From the main hall you can access the main balcony of the house, with a formidable view of the house gardens, countryside and Tapada de Mafra. Next is the imposing Dining Room with the same type of finish as the main hall and overlooking the pool and its supporting structure, with the pool lined with tiles by Manuel Cargaleiro.

Next to the dining room is the large library/office, also with a fireplace and a large balcony, which connects to the main balcony. Shared bathroom, kitchen, pantry and servants’ room with private bathroom complete this wing on the first floor.

In the private wing of this floor there are also two large suites, one with a balcony connected to the main balcony of the house and two more interconnected bedrooms, with a bathroom.

On the lower floor of the house, also with the main entrance hall and with the same type of finishing as the upper floor, there are two huge suites, with extraordinary decoration and finishes, with a predominance of stone, wood and tiles, combined in harmony and enormous quality and beauty. The halls on this floor are also impressive, with the huge hall with arches and the old library standing out as the privileged place for parties, due to the breadth and beauty of the rooms, which have access to a huge outdoor porch that continues the spaces already in oversized but cozy.

With separate access through the parking yard, on this floor there is also a large cellar, storage areas, engine rooms and an excellent caretaker’s house.

The chapel is integrated in the gardens of the house and was also built using the techniques of the old Portuguese chapels.

There is also a second building, rustic, with an area of approximately 350 square meters, on two floors, with housing, wine press, warehouses and old stalls for horses that can be easily modernized.

The beautiful gardens surrounding the property were inspired by the gardens of European stately homes, with boxwood hedges integrated into elegant stone structures and exotic and autochthonous vegetation.

Still in the vicinity of the main house there are several fantastic landscaped or forested plateaus, with pergolas, stone tanks, a riding arena, creating several environments of great quality and natural beauty. In the forest part of the property, with approximately 115 hectares, bordering in part with the Tapada de Mafra, there is an artificial lake with exceptional landscape framing, abundant afforestation of cedars and other ornamental trees.

The part of the forest area made up of eucalyptus trees is being exploited by a specialized entity, which ensures the cleaning and conservation of the forests and paths of the estate. Located near the village of Gradil, the property is thirty minutes from Lisbon, with excellent access via highways.

The property also benefits from its proximity to Mafra, with access to large commercial surfaces, quality restaurants and all the necessary services, as well as proximity to beaches, airfields and other entertainment and leisure facilities!

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Voir plus Fermes et propriétés pour Acheter, à Mafra, Enxara do Bispo, Gradil e Vila Franca do Rosário
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