Discover your new home
52 Luxury least recent, in Distrito de Setúbal, view Field
Farm 8 Bedrooms
Cabanas, Quinta do Anjo, Palmela, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 1,200m²
3.400.000 €
Luxury Villa situated in Cabanas, all information you can consult the annex brochure.
House 7 Bedrooms
Quinta do Peru, Quinta do Conde, Sesimbra, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 495m²
With Garage
2.700.000 €

This villa of 500m2 living space built on a plot of 2846m2 consists of 7 suites, a large living room with fireplace, 1 dining room, 1 furnished office, 1 fully equipped kitchen with pantry, a garage in the basement. Outside there is a barbecue area, two heated pools and a huge garden.
The property offers spectacular views of the golf course and the Serra de Arrabida.
This luxury villa with excellent features is located in Quinta do Perú, a condominium with one of the best golf courses in the Lisbon, next to the Arrábida Natural Park, at 15 minutes from the fabulous beaches of Sesimbra and Portinho Arrábida and 30 minutes from downtown Lisbon.
Condominium with surveillance 24/24.


For more information, thank you for contacting us: Sandra Camelo (phone hidden)
Or visit us: (url hidden)
House 7 Bedrooms
Quinta do Peru, Quinta do Conde, Sesimbra, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 495m²
With Garage
2.700.000 €

This villa of 500m2 living space built on a plot of 2846m2 consists of 7 suites, a large living room with fireplace, 1 dining room, 1 furnished office, 1 fully equipped kitchen with pantry, a garage in the basement. Outside there is a barbecue area, two heated pools and a huge garden.
The property offers spectacular views of the golf course and the Serra de Arrabida.
This luxury villa with excellent features is located in Quinta do Perú, a condominium with one of the best golf courses in the Lisbon, next to the Arrábida Natural Park, at 15 minutes from the fabulous beaches of Sesimbra and Portinho Arrábida and 30 minutes from downtown Lisbon.
Condominium with surveillance 24/24.


For more information, thank you for contacting us: Sandra Camelo (phone hidden)
Or visit us: (url hidden)
House 6 Bedrooms Triplex
Charneca de Caparica e Sobreda, Almada, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 720m²
With Garage
buy / rent
3.000.000 € / 9.000 €
This villa consists of 3 floors.
On the floor at ground level you will find the social spaces: the kitchen, a dining room, two living rooms, a social bathroom. Here you have direct access to the garage, which has six parking spaces, as well as to the extensive garden, with access to the swimming pool, terrace, barbecue.
Upstairs you will find four suites and a large terrace.
Below these two floors is the garage, a wine cellar, laundry, a bedroom and a suite.
All spaces in the house are lit with natural light.
Finally, the outdoor space is gardened all around the house, with a heated pool, a barbecue, the technical area of the house (independent space) and a pool support space
It is located in a quiet residential area 2 kilometers from the beach (about 20 minutes walk), 7 kilometers from the train station and close to transport and commerce.
Country Estate
São Francisco da Serra, Santiago do Cacém, Distrito de Setúbal
For refurbishment
2.770.000 €

Herdade junto à Aldeia do Roncão, composta por uma área de terreno de 85 hectares, um monte para recuperar com a possibilidade de ampliação. Tem ainda uma área em ruína, para apoio agrícola, com a possibilidade de ampliação com áreas bastantes consideráveis..
Montado de sobro em quase toda a propriedade, linhas de água e poço.

Uma paisagem em que predomina a imensidão de campo, com vista sobre a Aldeia, e onde o silêncio é absoluto, a pouco mais de 20 minutos das praias do Litoral Alentejano.
Um espaço que pode ser transformado em empreendimento turístico ou para investimento em projetos de energias renováveis.
Excelente oportunidade.

Financiamento Bancário:
A Top imóveis é parceira de várias entidades financeiras possibilitando a todos os seus clientes simulações gratuitas de Crédito à Habitação.


Santiago do Cacém é uma cidade portuguesa no Distrito de Setúbal, é sede de um dos maiores municípios de Portugal, com 1 059,77 km² de área.
É sede de um dos maiores municípios de Portugal, com 1 059,77 km² de área e 29 749 habitantes (2015 INE), subdividido em 8 freguesias.
O município é limitado a norte pelo termo de Grândola, a nordeste por Ferreira do Alentejo, a leste por Aljustrel, a sul por Ourique e Odemira e a oeste por Sines e tem litoral no oceano Atlântico. É o único município de todo o Alentejo que contém 2 cidades dentro do seu termo (Santiago e Santo André). Possui ainda três vilas (Cercal, Alvalade e Ermidas-Sado).


O seu nome deriva do Governador Mouro Kassim e da Ordem de Santiago.
Dotada de uma localização geográfica estratégica, as populações humanas procuraram, desde épocas remotas, esta região para se estabelecer. As escavações efetuadas no Castelo Velho, onde se situam as ruínas romanas de Miróbriga, demonstram que a região foi habitada desde a Pré-história.
As ruinas de Miróbriga representam um dos mais marcantes vestígios da ocupação dos Romanos no Sudoeste de Portugal.
Foi classificada de Imóvel de Interesse Público, em 1940. A cidade romana estende-se por mais de 2 km, apresentando ruínas de edifícios de habitação, ruas pavimentadas, um hipódromo, termas, uma ponte e um fórum.
Com a colonização romana, desenvolveu-se para a área comercial em torno do fórum. As termas, entre as mais bem preservadas em Portugal. Relativamente perto das termas, existe uma ponte com um único arco semicircular. O hipódromo é o único completamente conhecido em Portuga e está localizado mais longe do centro.
Terá sido por volta de 712 e já após o declínio de Miróbriga que os mouros atingiram o território, edificando o castelo na colina defronte; pensa-se inclusivamente que o nome Kassem estará ligado ao alcaide mouro. A ocupação moura prolongou-se até ao séc. XII e muitas batalhas pela reconquista se travaram no território até que, em 1217, voltou definitivamente à posse dos cristãos, tendo D. Afonso II confirmado a doação de seu pai à Ordem dos Espatários.


No concelho predominam as atividades ligadas ao setor primário, seguidas das do secundário e do terciário.
A agricultura mantém ainda uma grande importância, com 43,9% da área do concelho destinados à exploração agrícola, destacando-se os cultivos de cereais para grão, de prados temporários e de culturas forrageiras, de culturas industriais, do pousio, do olival, de prados e de pastagens permanentes.
A pecuária reveste-se também de alguma importância, nomeadamente na criação de aves, ovinos e suínos.
Cerca de 7785 hectares do seu território são cobertos de floresta.
Assim, a agricultura, a suinicultura e o descasque de arroz são as atividades de maior importância, seguidas pela indústria, nomeadamente as oficinas auto, a construção civil, a serralharia civil, a transformação de mármores, a serração de madeira e a transformação de cortiça.

Cultura e lazer:

São muitas as manifestações populares e culturais no concelho: a festa de Nossa Senhora da Graça, realizada no último domingo de maio, com várias cerimónias religiosas, designadamente encontros de oração, e as feiras anuais, no quarto domingo de abril e no quarto domingo de julho; a Santiagro, ’Feira Agrícola’, em maio, de promoção económica e cultural; a FATAL - Feira de Artesanato e Turismo do Alentejo Litoral; as festas tradicionais de Relvas Verdes, ambas em julho; a Feira do Monte, em setembro; as festas tradicionais de Aldeia dos Chãos, em agosto, e o Dia do Município, a 25 de julho.

No artesanato, salientam-se os trabalhos de latoaria, as rendas, os bordados, os trabalhos em barro e de cortiça, a tapeçaria e a madeira.

Como instalação cultural, o concelho possui o Museu Municipal de Santiago do Cacém, no qual são de relevar as secções de numismática e de arqueologia, esta última representativa da ocupação humana na região, desde os tempos do Paleolítico Superior. Na coleção de etnografia, destaque para a cozinha tradicional alentejana, a que se junta a recriação de um quarto popular, o qual faz contraponto com outro de gosto marcadamente burguês e que se insere num notável legado de uma das famílias da região - os Condes de Avillez.
Em 1895 chega a Portugal o primeiro automóvel, propriedade do Conde de Avilez, de Santiago do Cacém;
A titulo de curiosidade, também o 1.º Rolls Royce que veio para Portugal, veio para Santiago do Cacém, propriedade de José Sande Champalimaud e o registo automóvel com n.º 1,em 1904, foi igualmente para Santiago do Cacém, em nome de Augusto Teixeira de Aragão.

A 1,5h de Lisboa, 30m das praias do Carvalhal e da Comporta, 20m de Melides, esta excelente centralidade ainda está sub-explorada e você pode desenvolve-la com o seu bom gosto

Pontos a visitar:
- Castelo de Santiago do Cacém
- Estação Arqueológica de Miróbriga
- Museu Municipal de Santiago do Cacém
- Castelo de Santiago do Cacém
- Badoca Safari Park
- Ponte medieval de Alvalade
- Área do Castelo Velho com as ruínas da cidade romana Miróbriga
- Igreja de Santiago ou Igreja Matriz de Santiago do Cacém

Se você tem o sonho...nós temos a solução! Venha visitar aquele que pode ser o seu futuro negócio!!

Marque a sua visita

A TOPIMÓVEIS, com escritório em Av. do Século nº 126 Samora Correia, Licença AMI 14208, é a entidade responsável pelo anúncio através do qual os Utilizadores, Destinatários do Serviço ou Clientes têm acesso remoto aos serviços e produtos da ’ TOPIMÓVEIS’, que são apresentados, comercializados ou prestados.

Homestead next to Aldeia do Roncão, consisting of a land area of 85 hectares, a lot to recover with the possibility of expansion. It also has an area in ruins, for agricultural support, with the possibility of expansion with quite considerable areas.
Mounted cork oak on almost the entire property, water lines and well.

A landscape in which the immensity of countryside predominates, with a view over the village, and where silence is absolute, just over 20 minutes from the beaches of the Alentejo coast.
A space that can be transformed into a tourist development or investment in renewable energy projects.
Excellent opportunity.

Bank Financing:
Top real estate is a partner of several financial institutions allowing all its customers free simulations of Housing Credit.


Santiago do Cacém is a Portuguese city in the District of Setúbal, it is the seat of one of the largest municipalities in Portugal, with an area of 1,059.77 km².
It is the seat of one of the largest municipalities in Portugal, with an area of 1,059.77 km² and 29,749 inhabitants (2015 INE), subdivided into 8 parishes.
The municipality is limited to the north by the term Grândola, to the northeast by Ferreira do Alentejo, to the east by Aljustrel, to the south by Ourique and Odemira and to the west by Sines and has a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. It is the only municipality in the entire Alentejo that contains 2 cities within its territory (Santiago and Santo André). It also has three villages (Cercal, Alvalade and Ermidas-Sado).


Its name derives from the Moorish Governor Kassim and the Order of Santiago.
Endowed with a strategic geographic location, human populations have sought, since remote times, this region to settle. The excavations carried out in Castelo Velho, where the Roman ruins of Miróbriga are located, demonstrate that the region has been inhabited since Prehistory.
The ruins of Miróbriga represent one of the most striking vestiges of the Roman occupation in Southwest Portugal.
It was classified as a Property of Public Interest in 1940. The Roman city extends over 2 km, with ruins of residential buildings, paved streets, a hippodrome, baths, a bridge and a forum.
With Roman colonization, it developed into the commercial area around the forum. The spas, among the best preserved in Portugal. Relatively close to the baths, there is a bridge with a single semicircular arch. The hippodrome is the only one completely known in Portugal and is located further from the center.
It would have been around 712 and after the decline of Miróbriga that the Moors reached the territory, building the castle on the hill opposite; it is even thought that the name Kassem is linked to the Moorish mayor. The Moorish occupation lasted until the 17th century. XII and many battles for the reconquest were fought in the territory until, in 1217, it definitively returned to the possession of the Christians, having D. Afonso II confirmed the donation of his father to the Order of the Spatarians.


In the municipality, activities related to the primary sector predominate, followed by secondary and tertiary activities.
Agriculture is still of great importance, with 43.9% of the county’s area being used for farming, with emphasis on the cultivation of cereals for grain, temporary meadows and forage crops, industrial crops, fallow land, olive groves, of meadows and permanent pastures.
Livestock is also of some importance, namely in poultry, sheep and pigs.
About 7785 hectares of its territory are covered with forest.
Thus, agriculture, pig farming and rice husking are the most important activities, followed by industry, namely auto repair shops, civil construction, civil locksmithing, marble processing, wood sawing and cork processing. .

Culture and leisure:

There are many popular and cultural events in the municipality: the feast of Nossa Senhora da Graça, held on the last Sunday of May, with various religious ceremonies, namely prayer meetings, and the annual fairs, on the fourth Sunday of April and the fourth Sunday of July; Santiagro, ’Agricultural Fair’, in May, for economic and cultural promotion; FATAL - Handicraft and Tourism Fair of Alentejo Litoral; the traditional festivals of Relvas Verdes, both in July; the Feira do Monte, in September; the traditional festivals of Aldeia dos Chãos, in August, and the Municipality Day, on the 25th of July.

In handicrafts, the highlights are tin work, lace, embroidery, clay and cork work, tapestry and wood.

As a cultural facility, the municipality has the Municipal Museum of Santiago do Cacém, in which the numismatics and archeology sections are noteworthy, the latter representative of human occupation in the region, since the Upper Paleolithic times. In the ethnography collection, the highlight is the traditional Alentejo cuisine, which is joined by the recreation of a popular room, which contrasts with another with a markedly bourgeois taste and which is based onere in a remarkable legacy of one of the families of the region - the Counts of Avillez.
In 1895, the first car arrived in Portugal, owned by the Conde de Avilez, from Santiago do Cacém;
As a curiosity, also the 1st Rolls Royce that came to Portugal, came to Santiago do Cacém, property of José Sande Champalimaud and car registration number 1, in 1904, also went to Santiago do Cacém, in the name of by Augusto Teixeira de Aragão.

1.5h from Lisbon, 30m from the beaches of Carvalhal and Comporta, 20m from Melides, this excellent centrality is still under-explored and you can develop it with your own taste.

Points to visit:
- Castle of Santiago do Cacem
- Archaeological Station of Miróbriga
- Municipal Museum of Santiago do Cacém
- Castle of Santiago do Cacem
- Badoca Safari Park
- Medieval bridge of Alvalade
- Old Castle area with the ruins of the Roman city Miróbriga
- Church of Santiago or Mother Church of Santiago do Cacém

If you have the dream...we have the solution! Come visit what could be your future business!!

Book your visit

TOPIMÓVEIS, with an office at Av. do Século nº 126 Samora Correia, License AMI 14208, is the entity responsible for the advertisement through which Users, Service Recipients or Customers have remote access to ’TOPIMÓVEIS’ services and products, which are presented, marketed or provided.

Ferme à côté d’Aldeia do Roncão, composée d’un terrain de 85 hectares, beaucoup à récupérer avec possibilité d’agrandissement. Il dispose également d’une zone en ruine, pour le soutien agricole, avec possibilité d’expansion avec des zones assez considérables.
Monté en chêne liège sur la quasi-totalité de la propriété, conduites d’eau et puits.

Un paysage où prédomine l’immensité de la campagne, avec vue sur le village, et où le silence est absolu, à un peu plus de 20 minutes des plages de la côte de l’Alentejo.
Un espace qui peut être transformé en développement touristique ou en investissement dans des projets d’énergie renouvelable.
Une opportunité excellente.

Financement bancaire :
Top immobilier est partenaire de plusieurs établissements financiers permettant à tous ses clients des simulations gratuites de Crédit Logement.


Santiago do Cacém est une ville portugaise du district de Setúbal, c’est le siège de l’une des plus grandes municipalités du Portugal, avec une superficie de 1 059,77 km².
C’est le siège de l’une des plus grandes municipalités du Portugal, avec une superficie de 1 059,77 km² et 29 749 habitants (INE 2015), subdivisée en 8 paroisses.
La municipalité est limitée au nord par le terme Grândola, au nord-est par Ferreira do Alentejo, à l’est par Aljustrel, au sud par Ourique et Odemira et à l’ouest par Sines et a un littoral sur l’océan Atlantique. C’est la seule municipalité de tout l’Alentejo qui contient 2 villes sur son territoire (Santiago et Santo André). Elle compte également trois villages (Cercal, Alvalade et Ermidas-Sado).


Son nom dérive du gouverneur maure Kassim et de l’Ordre de Santiago.
Dotée d’une situation géographique stratégique, les populations humaines ont cherché, depuis des temps reculés, cette région pour s’installer. Les fouilles effectuées à Castelo Velho, où se trouvent les ruines romaines de Miróbriga, démontrent que la région est habitée depuis la Préhistoire.
Les ruines de Miróbriga représentent l’un des vestiges les plus frappants de l’occupation romaine dans le sud-ouest du Portugal.
Elle a été classée Bien d’Intérêt Public en 1940. La ville romaine s’étend sur 2 km, avec des ruines d’édifices résidentiels, des rues pavées, un hippodrome, des thermes, un pont et un forum.
Avec la colonisation romaine, il s’est développé en zone commerciale autour du forum. Les thermes, parmi les mieux conservés du Portugal. Assez proche des thermes, on trouve un pont à un seul arc en plein cintre. L’hippodrome est le seul complètement connu au Portugal et est situé plus loin du centre.
Ce serait vers 712 et après le déclin de Miróbriga que les Maures atteignirent le territoire, construisant le château sur la colline d’en face ; on pense même que le nom Kassem est lié au maire maure. L’occupation mauresque dura jusqu’au XVIIe siècle. XII et de nombreuses batailles pour la reconquête ont eu lieu sur le territoire jusqu’à ce qu’en 1217, il revienne définitivement aux mains des chrétiens, après que D. Afonso II ait confirmé la donation de son père à l’Ordre des Spatariens.


Dans la commune, les activités liées au secteur primaire prédominent, suivies des secteurs secondaire et tertiaire.
L’agriculture est toujours d’une grande importance, avec 43,9% de la superficie du département utilisée pour l’agriculture, en mettant l’accent sur la culture de céréales à grains, de prairies temporaires et de cultures fourragères, de cultures industrielles, de jachères, d’oliviers, de prairies et de pâturages permanents.
L’élevage a également une certaine importance, notamment dans l’élevage de volailles, de moutons et de porcs.
Environ 7785 hectares de son territoire sont couverts de forêt.
Ainsi, l’agriculture, l’élevage porcin et le décorticage du riz sont les activités les plus importantes, suivies par l’industrie, à savoir les ateliers de réparation automobile, la construction civile, la serrurerie civile, la transformation du marbre, le sciage du bois et la transformation du liège. .

Culture et loisirs :

Les manifestations populaires et culturelles de la commune sont nombreuses : la fête de Nossa Senhora da Graça, célébrée le dernier dimanche de mai, avec diverses cérémonies religieuses, notamment les réunions de prière, et les foires annuelles, le quatrième dimanche d’avril et le quatrième dimanche de juillet; Santiagro, ’Foire Agricole’, en mai, pour la promotion économique et culturelle; FATAL - Salon de l’artisanat et du tourisme de l’Alentejo Litoral ; les fêtes traditionnelles de Relvas Verdes, toutes deux en juillet ; la Feira do Monte, en septembre ; les fêtes traditionnelles d’Aldeia dos Chãos, en août, et la fête municipale, le 25 juillet.

Dans l’artisanat, les points forts sont le travail de l’étain, la dentelle, la broderie, le travail de l’argile et du liège, la tapisserie et le bois.

En tant qu’équipement culturel, la municipalité possède le Musée municipal de Santiago do Cacém, dans lequel les sections de numismatique et d’archéologie sont remarquables, cette dernière représentant l’occupation humaine dans la région, depuis le Paléolithique supérieur. Dans la collection d’ethnographie, le point culminant est la cuisine traditionnelle de l’Alentejo, qui est rejointe par la recréation d’une salle populaire, qui contraste avec une autre au goût nettement bourgeois et qui est basée sur ici dans un héritage remarquable d’une des familles de la région - les comtes d’Avillez.
En 1895, la première voiture est arrivée au Portugal, propriété du Conde de Avilez, de Santiago do Cacém ;
Par curiosité, également la 1ère Rolls Royce qui est venue au Portugal, est venue à Santiago do Cacém, propriété de José Sande Champalimaud et numéro d’immatriculation 1, en 1904, est également allée à Santiago do Cacém, au nom de par Augusto Teixeira de Aragão .

A 1h30 de Lisbonne, 30m des plages de Carvalhal et Comporta, 20m de Melides, cette excellente centralité est encore sous-explorée et vous pouvez la développer à votre guise.

Points à visiter :
- Château de Santiago do Cacem
- Station archéologique de Miróbriga
- Musée municipal de Santiago do Cacém
- Château de Santiago do Cacem
- Parc safari de Badoca
- Pont médiéval d’Alvalade
- Zone du vieux château avec les ruines de la ville romaine Miróbriga
- Église de Santiago ou Église Mère de Santiago do Cacém

Si vous avez le rêve... nous avons la solution ! Venez visiter ce qui pourrait être votre futur commerce!!

Réservez votre visite

TOPIMÓVEIS, avec un bureau à Av. do Século nº 126 Samora Correia, licence AMI 14208, est l’entité responsable de la publicité à travers laquelle les utilisateurs, les destinataires du service ou les clients ont accès à distance aux services et produits ’TOPIMÓVEIS’, qui sont présentés, commercialisés ou fourni.
Agricultural property
Palmela, Distrito de Setúbal
4.500.000 €
Vineyards Peninsula of Setúbal, houses, annexes and warehouse, 45Ha.

Half an hour from Lisbon, 45Ha of vineyard vineyards registered with the varieties Arinto, Chardonnay, Moscatel de Setúbal, Moscatel Roxo and Fernão Pires,
with automatic irrigation and fertigation installation, frame prepared for mechanized harvesting.
Several fruit trees.
3 warehouses
3 houses and 2 support houses,
Several fruit trees.

Excellent opportunity,
Come and meet
Alentejo Farmhouse 15 Bedrooms
São Domingos e Vale de Água, Santiago do Cacém, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 867m²
With Garage
3.500.000 €
Magnificent property in Alentejo Litoral 15 minutes (16 km) from the village and beaches of Porto Côvo, 30 minutes (30 km) from Vila Nova de Mil Fontes and the village of Sines, 1 hour 50 minutes (160 km) from Lisbon and 1 hour 45 minutes (160 km) from the Algarve (Albufeira or Sagres.
Functioning as a rural hotel, currently with 15 rooms, spread over several buildings, restaurant, several lounges with litaita, swimming pools, paddle tennis court and fitness circuit, in an area of land of 9 ha (90,000 m2). property with about 9 hectares and, according to the current PROTALI regulations, the construction area may reach 22,000 m2, as well as the detachment of portions of the land.

The property consists of:

Luxury Housing T3,
Country House T2
Caretakers’ House
Small charming Hotel **** (Comprised of 3 buildings)
The entire property is fenced and with road infrastructures, presenting
car parks, gardens, bars, heated pools, terraces,
leisure, fitness circuit (with 11 devices) spread over a course of about
400m and Padel court with night lighting.
It is a sustainable homestead, with 4 biological ditches and 1 micro WWTP,
capture, treatment and hydropressure of water, solar panels for heating
sanitary waters, photovoltaic panels for energy production.
The garden and lawn area is equipped with an automatic irrigation system through
several circuits.
The Hotel is fully equipped and fully functional
for 12 months of the year.
The property has all the requirements to receive with all the refinement and
quality dozens of guests and / or residents.
Afforestation is made up of cork oak, pine forest and tree orchards
of fruit, lawns, gardens and vegetable gardens.
The entire project was built from scratch, having its beginning in 2008 and its
finish in 2012.
According to the current PROTALI regulations, the construction area may reach
22,000 m2, as well as detaching portions of the land.
The entire development is adapted for people with reduced mobility
Composition of buildings:

Villa 280 m2
Living room with fireplace
Magnificent suite with 50 m2 with 2 closets 2 bedrooms Mesanine with dining room, office and living / reading room. 2 WC
Garage for several vehicles Clothes washing area Collections

Country House 110 m2
(on individual land of about 1.5 hectares) Sala w / Salamandra
Equipped kitchen 2 bedrooms WC
Hall Terrace Solar panel

Main building consisting of 3 floors / Terrace / Floor 1 and Floor 0
Terrace equipped with outdoor furniture and with stunning views over the
Floor 1 Reception, Bar, Office, living rooms, small shop, 3 bathrooms H, S, e
people with reduced mobility
Floor 0 Dining Room w / capacity for 30 people, Industrial Kitchen
fully equipped in accordance with HACCP standards, laundry
fully equipped, storerooms (4), Food products, Cleaning products,
miscellaneous products and technical floor (Rack with all electrical and computer parts),
wc (2) and dressing room with shower (1). Ground Floor Building Block 1 Rooms and Collection
Composed of 5 double rooms each consisting of bedroom, bathroom and
Terrace (30m2)
All rooms are equipped with telephone, cable TV, internet, AC,
Refrigerator, Fire Detection and Alarm Ground Floor Building 2 Rooms and Collection
Composed of 5 double rooms each consisting of bedroom, bathroom and
Terrace (30m2)
All rooms are equipped with telephone, cable TV, internet, AC,
Refrigerator, Fire Detection and Alarm
The 2 Blocks total 10 double rooms, with 1 block in each block
adjoining rooms and in one of the blocks 1 room fully equipped for
people with reduced mobility as well as access to it.

House of the caretakers 33 m2
2 bedrooms Living room and kitchen
Detached House 8 Bedrooms
Fontainhas, Melides, Grândola, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 72m²
With Swimming Pool
2.500.000 €
Monte Alentejano ( Farm ) with great investment potential, located in the most privileged area of the Alentejo coast, close to the largest golf resorts and 2 km from the beach.

With a vast land of flat cultivation, with olive trees and pine trees, it has great potential for cultivation or for future investment in construction, including for a large house, with approved permits of up to 550m2.

With architecture and building materials typical of the area, is the usual refuge for lovers of Melides to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
The 2 apartments on the 1st floor that serve as accommodation (Apartments 1 and 2 - see photos), are fully equipped for weekly or daily rent, prepared to welcome you, with all the comfort and pampering of this area: restorative silence, the smell of countryside and the beach, homemade jams and the best Alentejo bread you can taste.
On the ground floor is currently the owners’ apartment, also with potential for accommodation.

The 2 apartments accommodate 4 to 6 people, have a private barbecue and access to the communal pool and garden, as well as the children’s playground. Each apartment has 1 bedroom with double bed and 1 bedroom with two twin beds, 1 bathroom with shower, living room, dining room, kitchen with crockery, fridge, hob, stove, microwave, washing machine crockery, individual barbecue.

This Monte Alentejano , Farmoffers a wide possibility of future income as it is an area that is in development and expansion, the extensive beaches and natural beauty of the area have made it a great attraction for investors looking for hidden treasures like this!
Do not miss this opportunity!
Mark your visit!
Alentejo Farmhouse 8 Bedrooms
Fontainhas, Melides, Grândola, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 72m²
With Swimming Pool
2.500.000 €
Monte Alentejano ( Farm ) with great investment potential, located in the most privileged area of the Alentejo coast, close to the largest golf resorts and 2 km from the beach.

With a vast land of flat cultivation, with olive trees and pine trees, it has great potential for cultivation or for future investment in construction, including for a large house, with approved permits of up to 550m2.

With architecture and building materials typical of the area, is the usual refuge for lovers of Melides to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
The 2 apartments on the 1st floor that serve as accommodation (Apartments 1 and 2 - see photos), are fully equipped for weekly or daily rent, prepared to welcome you, with all the comfort and pampering of this area: restorative silence, the smell of countryside and the beach, homemade jams and the best Alentejo bread you can taste.
On the ground floor is currently the owners’ apartment, also with potential for accommodation.

The 2 apartments accommodate 4 to 6 people, have a private barbecue and access to the communal pool and garden, as well as the children’s playground. Each apartment has 1 bedroom with double bed and 1 bedroom with two twin beds, 1 bathroom with shower, living room, dining room, kitchen with crockery, fridge, hob, stove, microwave, washing machine crockery, individual barbecue.

This Monte Alentejano , Farmoffers a wide possibility of future income as it is an area that is in development and expansion, the extensive beaches and natural beauty of the area have made it a great attraction for investors looking for hidden treasures like this!
Do not miss this opportunity!
Mark your visit!
House 4 Bedrooms Duplex
Soltroia, Carvalhal, Grândola, Distrito de Setúbal
In project · 325m²
With Garage
2.700.000 €
Moradia para construção com localização única e prestigiada dentro da urbanização Soltroia. Conta com 1340 m2 de terreno e com uma área bruta de 360 m2. A cerca de 50 metros da areia da Praia Atlântica.
Alentejo Farmhouse 8 Bedrooms
Fontainhas, Melides, Grândola, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 72m²
With Swimming Pool
2.500.000 €
Monte Alentejano ( Farm ) with great investment potential, located in the most privileged area of the Alentejo coast, close to the largest golf resorts and 2 km from the beach.

With a vast land of flat cultivation, with olive trees and pine trees, it has great potential for cultivation or for future investment in construction, including for a large house, with approved permits of up to 550m2.

With architecture and building materials typical of the area, is the usual refuge for lovers of Melides to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
The 2 apartments on the 1st floor that serve as accommodation (Apartments 1 and 2 - see photos), are fully equipped for weekly or daily rent, prepared to welcome you, with all the comfort and pampering of this area: restorative silence, the smell of countryside and the beach, homemade jams and the best Alentejo bread you can taste.
On the ground floor is currently the owners’ apartment, also with potential for accommodation.

The 2 apartments accommodate 4 to 6 people, have a private barbecue and access to the communal pool and garden, as well as the children’s playground. Each apartment has 1 bedroom with double bed and 1 bedroom with two twin beds, 1 bathroom with shower, living room, dining room, kitchen with crockery, fridge, hob, stove, microwave, washing machine crockery, individual barbecue.

This Monte Alentejano , Farmoffers a wide possibility of future income as it is an area that is in development and expansion, the extensive beaches and natural beauty of the area have made it a great attraction for investors looking for hidden treasures like this!
Do not miss this opportunity!
Mark your visit!
Farm 18 Bedrooms
Vila Nogueira de Azeitão, Azeitão (São Lourenço e São Simão), Setúbal, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 771m²
With Swimming Pool
3.500.000 €
Estate with 14.22 hectares, divided into 5.860 hectares of urban land and 8.370 hectares of rustic land, with a licensed area of 771 sqm, located in the Arrábida Natural Park, Picheleiros, Azeitão, Setúbal. The private area consists of three single-family houses, a garage, storage space, and an annex. The houses need modernization works and, together, have a total of 18 bedrooms, six living rooms, three kitchens, gardens, a swimming pool, a tennis court, and an orchard. The rustic land area includes plantations, an orchard, and two legalized water sources.

The estate is located in a charming and emblematic place, ideal for those who enjoy living surrounded by nature and with a privileged view of the Arrábida Mountains.

Situated in the heart of the Arrábida Natural Park, just a few minutes from the historic center of Azeitão Village and the renowned wines of the region, José Maria da Fonseca Museum, Quinta da Bacalhoa, local shops, iconic restaurants, the local market, supermarkets, schools, health center, municipal swimming pools, paddle tennis courts, music academy, and equestrian center (Parque de São Domingos). The golf course of Quinta do Perú is about a 10-minute drive away, with privileged access to the A2 and A33 highways, and approximately 35 minutes from the center of Lisbon and the International Airport. It is 12 minutes from the city of Setúbal and access to the region’s beaches, including Figueirinha, Troia, and Comporta. It is about 20 minutes from the emblematic tourist and fishing village of Sesimbra and the beaches of Meco and Sesimbra.
House 7 Bedrooms
Quinta do Peru, Quinta do Conde, Sesimbra, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 495m²
With Garage
2.700.000 €
House V7 in Quinta do Perú, with pool and garden

Luxury villa with excellent characteristics, located in Quinta do Peru, one of the best golf courses in the region of Lisbon, next to the Natural Park Arrábida and 15 minutes from the fabulous beaches of Sesimbra and Portinho da Arrábida; 30 minutes away from Lisbon City center.

Condominium with 24 hours security.
This villa is built on a plot of land of 2846m², garage in the basement with about 500m² and has a housing area 486, 34m², comprising:
-7 Suites
-A large living room with fireplace
-Dining Room
-Furnished Office
-Fully equipped kitchen with canopy.

Outside we find the BBQ area, two pools of heated water and still a huge garden area.
The property has a spectacular view of the golf course and Arrábida mountain range.
Alentejo Farmhouse
Grândola e Santa Margarida da Serra, Distrito de Setúbal
To demolish or rebuild · 50m²
View Sea
2.500.000 €
Land of 10 hectares with a lot of privacy, located 10 minutes from Melides, 15 minutes from the beaches and 1h15 from Lisbon.
Ruin to rehabilitate and possibility to expand up to 500sqm for housing.
Good access, electricity nearby, partially fenced, composed mainly of cork oak forests.
Magnificent view of the sea and Serra da Arrábida!
Constructive feasibility up to 4000sqm for Agricultural Support building.

*Excluded from the SCE, under Article 18(2)(g) of Decree-Law No. 101-D/2020 of 7 December.

ALEMONTES real estate agency / agence immobilière / realestate agency
Grândola / Melides / Comporta / Carvalhal / Troia / Santiago do Cacém / Alcácer do Sal
Detached House 5 Bedrooms
Herdade da Aroeira, Charneca de Caparica e Sobreda, Almada, Distrito de Setúbal
New · 315m²
With Garage
2.990.000 €
Inserted in the prestigious Herdade da Aroeira, we present you this fantastic 5 bedroom detached house, with a floor area of 315m2, gross area of 360m2 and a plot of 1624m2.
In the outdoor area you can find a porch and a walkway with capacity for four cars and a wonderful salt pool.
The villa consists of 3 floors. On the 0th floor there is an entrance hall of 10m2, where you will have an incredible view of the pool, an openspace living room of 71m2, with mezzanine and a stunning view of the interior garden and a fantastic American kitchen of 22m2. You will also find an elegant suite of 18m2, with a bathroom of 7m2 and an impressive view of the pool.
Going up the stairs, and entering the ground floor, you will find an entrance hall to the bedrooms. On this floor you will find three suites, the main one with 17m2 consisting of a fantastic closet of 6m2, another suite, a little smaller, of 16m2, with a closet of 4m2 and full bathroom, and the rest with 15m2 and opening wardrobe.
On the -1 floor there will also be a garage of 36m2, a storage room of 32m2, a laundry room of 5m2 and a parking space of 44m2.
The façade is ventilated in neolite, double glazing, air conditioning, central vacuum, electric shutters, automatic irrigation system, solar panels with heat pump, video intercom, borehole, home automation, alarm and armoured door.
With sun exposure to the south, this villa has stunning views of an incredible garden outside.
Herdade da Aroeira is composed of 350 hectares, thousands of pine trees and several squares. Located just 600 meters from the beach and 25km from the centre of Lisbon, we enter a unique environment present in every corner, where the comfort and beauty of homes mix with each piece of pine forest, making the exceptional location of these lots an unparalleled asset.
In addition to these unique features, we cannot fail to mention that Herdade da Aroeira is the largest residential and golf complex in the Greater Lisbon Region, consisting of two eighteen-hole golf courses, a golf school, a club with restaurant, bar, swimming pool, four tennis courts, children’s playground and shopping area.
*Possibility of profitability short renting
House 5 Bedrooms Triplex
Herdade da Aroeira, Charneca de Caparica e Sobreda, Almada, Distrito de Setúbal
New · 450m²
With Garage
5.800.000 €
Moradia T5 com , SPA, com vista direta golfe e elevador privativo
Uma moradia de luxo de grandes dimensões, nova, implantada num lote de terreno de 1894m2, com vista completamente desafogada sobre o golfe.
Em estado de construção A VILLA DIAMOND é uma propriedade exclusiva para quem procura uma morada de sonho, em local idílico e paradisíaco próximo da praia.

Situada na Herdade da Aroeira, zona exclusiva e Premium de Almada - Lisboa, com acesso rápido á A33 e A2, que ambas ligam Lisboa e Algarve.
Pode deslocar-se a vários locais de comércio, incluindo farmácias, clínicas médicas, bancos e restaurantes, supermercados num curto espaço de tempo.

Entre os seus moradores, encontram-se várias personalidades internacionais.
A própria VILLA DIAMOND tem como vizinhos diretos duas figuras do desporto mundialmente conhecidos.

A VILLA DIAMOND situa-se a 25 minutos do Aeroporto de Lisboa , a 20 minutos do Centro de Lisboa, a 5 minutos da praia e a 10 segundos do golfe, o que torna esta moradia em algo surpreendente completo.


Com uma tipologia V5, a VILLA DIAMOND está implantada num terreno de 1.894m2 com uma área bruta de 495m2, que se se distribui em 3 pisos, apoiados por elevador.

perspectivada para estar Construída em 2024 com materiais de alta qualidade, com o revestimento principal em Capoto, grandes superfícies envidraçadas em caixilharia de alumínio Termo lacado e vidros duplos com isolamento acústico e térmico

Os 5 quartos da VILLA IBIZA são todos de grandes dimensões, situando-se 4 suites no piso superior ( mas também R/C) e 1 suite no piso intermédio, como se pode verificar nas plantas de arquitetura em anexo.
Todos os quartos têm roupeiros, ligação para televisões e internet para o maior conforto dos seus habitantes.
Uma suíte principal - com mais de 52m2 - além do WC privativo com duche, dispõe ainda de um armário, terraço se vislumbra o 4 Fairways de golfe.

A sala tem mais de 70m2 e foi desenhada com dois ambientes distintos: a sala de jantar e zona para instalar um piano lounge com pé-direito alto, por onde liga diretamente á cozinha americana.
As paredes totalmente envidraçadas deixam entrar na luz natural, realçando a beleza das inúmeras obras de arte que se poderá decorar as paredes de toda casa

A cozinha é totalmente equipada com eletrodomésticos topo-de-gama e uma bancada sobrelevada com para refeições rápidas.

O deslumbrante jardim relvado da VILLA DIAMOND tem a sua piscina privada, com pré-instalação de aquecimento, onde é possível fazer os mais variados treinos aquáticos
Piscina de generosas dimensões
Zona de Lounge para colocar espreguiçadeiras e sofás
Zona de refeições com churrasqueira
Uma VILLA que proporciona aos seus moradores a simbiose de dois conceitos aparentemente contrastantes:
Luxo de uma moradia de design contemporâneo com todas as mordomias de um hotel de 5 estrelas
A alegria, a simplicidade e a despreocupação da vivência numa zona idílica e ao mesmo tempo com a proximidade de uma Metrópole Vibrante
A VILLA DIAMOND está preparada para receber familiares e amigos, num ambiente de tranquilidade, alegria, diversão, luxo e se íntima, de uma forma privada, particularmente ÚNICA...

SPA e piscina aquecida
No piso inferior conta com uma piscina aquecida, com SPA composto por Suana e Banho Turco. Neste piso também tem dois espaços que poderá construir a sua própria sala de cinema e um ginásio privativo

Pavimento Radiante
10 painéis Fotovoltáicos
House 6 Bedrooms
Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo, Comporta, Alcácer do Sal, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 332m²
With Swimming Pool
2.950.000 €
6-bedroom villa with 332.10 sqm of gross construction area and a 39.40 sqm swimming pool, facing south, located in the Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo development, Pestana Brejos, Comporta. The project is divided into four cabins: Cabin A, with 150.80 sqm, comprising a suite with a walk-in closet, a guest bathroom, an open-plan living room and kitchen, Cabin B with 83.45 sqm, comprising three suites, Cabin C with 80.95 sqm, comprising two suites, and Cabin D with 16.90 sqm, designated as storage. This is a project with traditional architecture, aligned with the traditional style of the area, with a concrete structure and thatched roof. Still in the preliminary study phase, the project can be adapted to the buyer’s preferences in coordination with the responsible architect - GSS - Gonçalo Salazar de Sousa Architectural Studio.

The villa is sold turnkey, with the construction expected to be completed by the end of 2024/early 2025, with the construction being the responsibility of the seller.

The Pestana Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo development is one of the most exclusive areas in Herdade da Comporta. It consists of 59 residential lots and 2 lots for common facilities, all within a gated community.

Located within a 5-minute walk from Praia dos Brejos, an 11-minute drive from the center of Carvalhal and the village of Comporta, and a 15-minute drive from Praia da Comporta. It is approximately 30 minutes from the urban centers of the region (Alcácer do Sal and Grândola). It is an hour away from Lisbon.
House 4 Bedrooms
Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo, Comporta, Alcácer do Sal, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 115m²
With Swimming Pool
2.500.000 €
4-bedroom villa, 142.35 sqm (gross construction area), for full rehabilitation, with swimming pool, garden and terrace, set in a 1865 sqm plot of land, in the Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo gated community, Comporta region. The existing home is in need of full rehabilitation work. Possibility of expanding the home up to 279.75 sqm of gross construction area. The terrace, as well as the entire plot, has an unobstructed view over the floodplain.

The plot is located in one of the most sought-after residential gated communities in Comporta. The Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo gated community is one of the most central and exclusive areas in the Comporta region, with natural surroundings privileged by agricultural fields and the proximity to the beach through the gated community’s exclusive access.

Within a 5-minute walking distance from the Brejos da Carregueira beach, 11-minute driving distance from the centre of Carvalhal and Comporta village, 15 minutes from Comporta beach. Within about 30 minutes from the region’s urban centres (Alcácer do Sal and Grândola). One hour from Lisbon.
Farm 2 Bedrooms +3
Fontainhas, Melides, Grândola, Distrito de Setúbal
Used · 72m²
With Garage
2.000.000 €
Typical Alentejo’s farmhouse with 42,750 sqm of land including a 2+3-bedroom villa with 72 sqm of gross construction area and a swimming pool, located 2.5 km from Aberta Nova Beach in Melides. With unobstructed views of the countryside and unique privacy, the house features a living room with dining area, two bedrooms, equipped kitchen, and a bathroom. The attic provides a second living room with an open kitchenette and two bedrooms with a shared bathroom.

There is a possibility to expand the house up to 500 sqm of gross construction area, allowing it to be relocated to the central area of the property. There is also the option to build a new agricultural support building (garage or lounge) of up to 500 sqm.

Distinguished by Condé Nast Traveller magazine as one of the best holiday destinations in 2021, Melides is one of the most sought-after villages in the Comporta region, captivating visitors with its natural beauty. Among its beaches, Aberta Nova Beach and Melides Beach have been increasingly popular. In Melides, you can also find the new charming hotel by the renowned shoe designer Christian Louboutin.

With a privileged location near the Costa Terra golf courses and excellent access, the farmhouse is a 5-minute drive from Aberta Nova Beach, 10 minutes from the best restaurants in Melides village, as well as shops and services, 15 minutes from Melides Beach, 20 minutes from Carvalhal, and 25 minutes from Comporta and its beaches. It is 30 minutes away from the main urban centers in the region, Grândola and Santiago do Cacém, and an hour and 20 minutes from Lisbon and Humberto Delgado Airport.
House 4 Bedrooms
Carvalhal, Grândola, Distrito de Setúbal
Under construction · 200m²
With Garage
3.200.000 €
4-bedroom villa, new, 235 sqm (gross construction area), swimming pool, garden and terrace with unobstructed view overlooking the countryside, implanted on a 1658 sqm plot of land, located in the La Reserve gated community, in Lagoa Formosa, Carvalhal. The villa was designed by the Pereira Miguel Arquitetos bureau, framed in a contemporary architecture, with the region’s traditional style.
The villa is spread over two floors, comprising a large living and dining room with American kitchen, covering a total of 75.05 sqm in open plan. Four bedrooms, two of which en suite and a private terrace. Guest bathroom, storage area, laundry, technical area of the swimming pool and garage for 2 cars. The planned facilities include a fireplace, mosquito net to be incorporated in the window and door frames, interior floor and walls in pale grey microcement, electric garage gate and video intercom.

Outdoors, the 42 sqm swimming pool will be lined with mosaic, surrounded by a pine wood deck, with an outdoor leisure and dining area covered by a pergola, and unobstructed view overlooking the pine forest and garden. The garden will essentially comprise native plants.

Villa sold turnkey, with work planned to start in the first half of 2023, and delivery scheduled for the end of 2024/first quarter of 2025. Villa project and construction licensing costs charged to the seller.

The La Reserve development comprises 24 individual Urban Plots for development of Premium Villas with personalised architecture, 82 Village Houses (Village La Réserve) with 3 to 5 bedrooms, and 56 tourist apartments (Aparthotel) with 3 bedrooms.

Its prime location endows great privacy and unobstructed view overlooking the countryside, as well as a panoramic view towards the sunset. The access to the Carvalhal and Pego beaches can be made by bicycle from the villa via the existing cycle path. Located just 100 metres from the main shopping and service establishments, namely pastry shops, pharmacy, banks, stationery shops, several other and decoration shops. Its proximity to Hotel Quinta da Comporta also stands out, as well as to the region’s famous restaurants such as Sal, Sublime and JNcQUOI Beach Club.

Within a 5-minute driving distance from Carvalhal and Pego beaches, the new Comporta Dunes golf course and 15 minutes from the centre of Comporta. Only one hour from Lisbon and has easy access to the airport.
House 4 Bedrooms + 3
Quinta do Peru, Quinta do Conde, Sesimbra, Distrito de Setúbal
Under construction · 274m²
With Garage
2.500.000 €
4 bedroom villa, under construction, in the condominium Quinta do Perú Golf & Country Club.

The villa, of contemporary style, is implanted in a lot of almost 1500 sqm, being composed by two floors above the ground, 4 bedroom typology, with 274 sqm, to which a subsoil of 190 sqm is added, with an area of multipurpose room and interior garage, totalling an around 465 sqm interior area.
The outdoor area, with around 1350 sqm, comprises a beautiful garden with pleasant views of the forest, terraced areas and a spacious swimming pool with about 75 sqm.

In the interior area there is the ground floor, a large dimensioned hall (10 sqm); a generous living room (about 50 sqm), in communion with the garden and terrace; kitchen with dining area (32 sqm); bedroom (12 sqm); bathroom; laundry area and storage area.
On the first floor there are 3 bedrooms, where the Master Suite with a closet and bathroom total 34 sqm, and the other 2 bedrooms (with about 15 sqm), share another bathroom.

The ongoing construction will be delivered in the ’’turnkey’’, system, in a project with quality materials, where the radiant floor in the house stands out, wooden flooring in the bedrooms and air conditioning in all divisions. Fully equipped kitchen in equally high quality segment ’’made by FABRI’’.
And also a sauna by Saunas from Portugal.

A villa that will be a reference of quality in the condominium Quinta do Perú.

Quinta do Peru Golf & Country Club is a private condominium with security, located in the municipality of Sesimbra, a short distance from the excellent beaches of the area and with quick accesses from Lisbon and Setubal, that area only a few kms away.
The Quinta do Peru condominium is completely fenced, with concierge and 24 hour security. It has 162 hectares of protected area, an 18 holes golf course, Club House and Restaurant.
Located next to the Arrábida Natural Park and the best beaches in Europe. Good accesses, being located just 30 minutes away from Lisbon, via the 2 bridges, 5 minutes away from the train station, 5 minutes away from supermarkets, market and all sorts of services.

The Golf Course was opened in 1994 and designed by the famous architect Rocky Roquemore. This field ’Parkland’ par 72, has characteristics that make it unique, providing incredible views of the Arrábida mountains, representing a challenge for the most demanding players, but also for those who are looking for a pleasant journey in the company of their partners. Host of several international events, it was considered as the 57th best field in Europe. Quinta do Perú has one of the best Driving Range in the country, as well as short play areas and a Putting Green, with the ideal conditions to practice all aspects of the game. With more than 300 metres long, Quinta do Perú golf has been chosen by several countries as the field of choice to prepare the competitive season.

Porta da Frente Christie’s is a real estate agency that has been operating in the market for more than two decades. Its focus lays on the highest quality houses and developments, not only in the selling market, but also in the renting market. The company was elected by the prestigious brand Christie’s to represent Portugal, in the areas of Lisbon, Cascais, Oeiras, Sintra and Alentejo. The main purpose of Porta da Frente Christie’s is to offer a top-notch service to our customers.
Título Customizado Inglês
House 6 Bedrooms
Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo, Comporta, Alcácer do Sal, Distrito de Setúbal
In project · 332m²
With Garage
2.950.000 €
House 6 bedrooms in 4 typical ’huts’ of Comporta | 332 m2 | Private 39,40 m2 pool | In ’Pestana Brejos’ a closed condomínium, next to the beach to go on foot | I Under construction | Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo - Comporta

Perfect for those looking for privacy in a closed resort where you can walk to the beach, for families looking for a holiday home or to live in a beach environment, or even those looking for income in the rental market.

The property consists of 6 suites distributed in 4 cabins, south orientation
Total of 332 m2 ABP;
Cabin A | 150,80m2: 1 suite with closet, social bathroom, living room, kitchen en open space
Cabin B | 83,45m2: 3 suites
Cabin C | 80,95m2: 2 suites
Cabin D | 16,90m2: Storage

Terrace, Garden and Pool (16,42m x 2,40 m)
Land of 1141m2 surrounded by centenary olive trees, pines and cork oaks as well as local vegetation such as rosemaries, rosaries or penisetum.
With a privileged location, closer to the beach, within the Condominium that has 59 presidential plots and 2 services. Expected to end in Q4 2025

Condominium: Closed walking to the beach
The luxury of simplicity in a unique experience. This is the characteristic lifestyle of Comporta.
A ’beachy chic’ ambience is associated with the combination of the cult of natural beauty with a stripped-down sophistication.
The Design seeks to integrate the local imaginary, with natural materials: wood, and thatch, which coexist with the cuddled concrete.
Housing spaces are divided into the traditional ’huts’

The Resident’s profile is a mix of locations with international families who enjoy the Hippie Chic holiday environment


Brejos da Carregueira de Baixo - Comporta. Alcácer do Sal
On the Alentejo coast in the estuary of the Sado River. Located 500 meters from the beach and minutes from Vila da Comporta
The coastline stretches for 25km; from Troia to Comporta is a Nature Reserve. Pine forest, beach, rice fields and a rural charm, make it a truly special place.
Detached House 3 Bedrooms
Muda, Grândola e Santa Margarida da Serra, Distrito de Setúbal
New · 374m²
With Swimming Pool
2.850.000 €
The Spatia Comporta resort is a luxurious and elegant resort, located in one of the trendiest and most exclusive areas of Portugal, just 1 hour from Lisbon and 10 minutes from the beaches of Comporta and Melides. Surrounded by an immense pine forest and with kilometres of deserted beaches or top restaurants nearby, Estates at Spatia Comporta stands out for presenting villas with modern architecture and large areas that invite you to enjoy the unique nature that surrounds it.
This villa offers the peace and privacy of a luxury holiday home and at the same time the convenience of the services of a five-star hotel. It includes an open space kitchen for a large living room with access to the outside, a fire pit following the living room, three suites and a guest bathroom. In the garden, there is a large swimming pool of 17.6mx4.6m in size and a pergola with a lounge area and areas near the pool.
The villa, designed with modern architecture and integrated into the natural environment, provides a lifestyle without comparison. With a unit value of €7,620/sqm, every detail was designed to maximise luminosity and space, from the 3 spacious suites to the living room that opens to the outside, inviting nature to enter the house. The kitchen, equipped with Bosch technology and the stunning exterior view, make every moment at home an unforgettable experience.
The villa can also be included in the resort’s rental program, allowing the owner to monetise the property. This exclusive villa is delivered turnkey, having been fully decorated by professional decorators hired for this purpose.
Spatia Comporta is a luxury resort, designed to the highest standards of those looking for true refinement. Here, exclusivity is a promise, offering a unique retreat with serenity, luxury, comfort and well-being.
Estates at Spatia Comporta has been having a soft opening since February 2024. This resort has a 24-hour reception and security, a clubhouse, lounge, restaurant, swimming pools and the exclusive Spatia Club with tennis, paddle and pickleball courts, as well as a private Beach Club on Pinheirinho beach just 10 minutes away. 15 minutes from the beaches of Pego and Carvalhal and within close distance of Alcácer do Sal and Grândola, this is the perfect place for those looking for an exclusive lifestyle, in harmony with nature, without giving up the convenience of being only 1 hour from Lisbon.

Marina Yglesias Unipessoal Lda | Licença 22524 AMI
Marina Yglesias de Oliveira | + (phone hidden) | (email hidden)
House 5 Bedrooms Duplex
Herdade da Aroeira, Charneca de Caparica e Sobreda, Almada, Distrito de Setúbal
New · 311m²
With Garage
3.500.000 €
Built in Herdade da Aroeira in 2023, with a bold and ambitious project, which places the entire project in detail facing totally south, so that sunlight enters through the various rooms, giving an unparalleled comfort.

It enjoys a privileged location, 2 minutes from the beach, where you can enjoy all the surroundings, but it is essential to pay attention to what this villa offers. The rooms have thoughtful environments, among them the living room, dining room, reading area, TV area, where you can install a grand piano or a sculpture designed harmoniously married to the whole space. These rooms are interconnected with the kitchen, which has white lacquered furniture, with some silver tones. It also offers a central island, where the work area is located, consisting of hob, oven and electrical outlets. A counter for faster meals is integrated, with the support of high-standing benches. This room has direct access to the fastest dining area which in turn connects to one of the terraces, where the pool area is located.

On the 0th floor, in addition to the living rooms, kitchen and laundry room is also located 1 suite, library or cinema room, social toilet and access to the garage.

The first floor is totally private, only for the Master Suite and the three family suites, with the view to the east, south and west.

The exterior has a totally flat lot, carefully designed in order to provide the best of comforts around the whole house.

This wonder of construction is synonymous with comfort, sophistication and above all, well-being and good taste, where nothing was left to chance.

Now a more technical part:

The finishes of the house contemplate noble materials, such as marbles and other noble stones that make up a large part of the finishes.

The carpentry is white lacquered and of sophisticated design.

White lacquered kitchen furniture and countertops in national marbles.

Equipment was handpicked to compose the kitchen,

Air conditioning and underfloor heating, give the climatic comfort of the whole space.

Alarm system with cameras, presence detectors.

Windows and openings are in minimalist aluminum and have motorized curtains for easy use.

The sophistication, technology and comfort have been weighed down to the smallest detail, to be at the forefront of current times.
Farm 2 Bedrooms
Melides, Grândola, Distrito de Setúbal
5.500.000 €
Estate covering 16.2 ha of land with 2-bedroom villa, 60 sqm (gross construction area), two 170 sqm warehouses, close to the beach in Melides. The traditional architecture villa is spread over the ground floor and has unobstructed views over the countryside and unique privacy, comprising a living room with dining area, two bedrooms, equipped kitchen, and bathroom.

The estate has an approved project for the reconstruction and relocation of the existing two agricultural warehouses, with the reconstruction forecast to start in September 2023. Includes a borehole made in 2022 of a depth of about 60 m and public lighting, within the property, from the main road up to the house.
Possibility of relocation and extension of the existing villa to up to 500 sqm (gross construction area), and the existing ruin can be reconstructed as a new agricultural support area, via submission of a new project at the City Council.

Distinguished by the tourist magazine Condé Nast Traveller as one of the best holiday destinations in 2021, Melides is one of the most sought after villages in the Comporta region, with its natural beauty, which increasingly dazzles those who visit. Worth mentioning are Aberta a Nova beach and Melides beach that have become increasingly popular. We can also find in Melides the new charm hotel by the famous shoe designer Christian Louboutin.

With a prime location amidst the rice paddies in full contact with the natural environment and excellent access, the farm is 3-minute driving distance from Melides, 8 minutes from Melides beach, 10 minutes from the best restaurants of the village of Melides, shops and services, 20 minutes from Carvalhal, and 25 minutes from Comporta and its beaches. Within 30 minutes of the region’s main urban centres, Grândola and Santiago do Cacém, and one hour and 20 minutes from Lisbon and Humberto Delgado Airport.
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